You can extend the StandardSecurityPolicy to make the policy more flexible or tighter, depending on the needs of your application.

In the following example, access is denied if the access control list is null (unspecified):

public class DefaultDenySecurityPolicy
     extends StandardSecurityPolicy
  public int getAccess(AccessControlList pAcl,
                       Object pObject,
                       Persona pPersona,
                       AccessRight pRight,
                       boolean pExactPersona)
    if (pAcl == null)
      return DENIED;
      return super.getAccess(pAcl, pObject, pPersona, pRight, pExactPersona);

In the following example, access is denied except during the hours of 9:00 to 5:00 in the default (local) time zone:

public class DenyOutsideBusinessHoursSecurityPolicy
     extends StandardSecurityPolicy
  public int getAccess(AccessControlList pAcl,
                       Object pObject,
                       Persona pPersona,
                       AccessRight pRight,
                       boolean pExactPersona)
    Calendar calender = new GregorianCalendar(new Date());
    int hourOfDay = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
    if ((hourOfDay < 9) || (hourOfDay > 5))
      return DENIED;
      return super.getAccess(pAcl, pObject, pPersona, pRight, pExactPersona);
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