The process of creating a campaign from scratch starts with naming the campaign and defining some basic information for it. The steps are described below.

  1. In the BCC Home page, select Operations > Outreach > Create a Campaign.

  2. Specify a name and an optional description for this campaign. The name can include spaces and does not have to be unique. It is used by ATG Outreach only and is not visible to the campaign’s target audience. Note that it can be useful to append the word “campaign” to the name to make campaigns easily identifiable in the To Do List on the BCC Home page.

  3. Click Create. The Properties tab appears, which you use to enter general information for this campaign.

  4. (Optional) Enter start and end dates and times using the formats shown. Specifying a start date allows you to control when the campaign begins. If you leave the start date blank, the campaign starts as soon as it is deployed and its first event is triggered.

    Specifying an end date is highly recommended. If you leave the end date blank, the campaign runs until you stop it manually. This consideration is especially important for campaigns that contain events, which wait for customer behavior (for example, visiting a given Web page). If the campaign does not have an end date, the event waits until you stop the campaign manually, and during that time the campaign advances for any participant who completes the event.

    If you specify start and end dates but do not define times, the default time is used, which is midnight in both cases.

  5. The Information fields are optional and allow you to enter data you can use to manage your campaigns and track their effectiveness. For example, if you enter an amount in the Estimated Cost field, you can compare this data to the actual cost when the campaign is complete. You can enter any text you like in any of these fields. The data you enter is displayed in Campaign Overview reports.

  6. Click OK. Note: In some places in the ATG Business Control Center, you can switch between tabs or pages without losing any changes you have made. However, in the Properties tab, you must click OK (or Apply) before moving to another page. Otherwise your changes are lost.

    The Structure tab is displayed. See the next section, Defining the Root Stage, for information on how to use this tab.

To edit any of the information in the Properties tab at a later date, locate the campaign through the Browse Campaigns list or the To Do List in the BCC Home page. For more information, see Editing a Campaign. Note that you may have to click Refresh in the Browse Campaigns page for a new campaign to appear.

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