To add a landing page to an action, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Add Landing Page in the action’s Structure tab display.

    The Landing Page Picker appears, which you can use to search for an existing landing page or add a new one. To search for a landing page, enter the first few characters from the page’s name in the Keyword field in the Search tab and click Go. Leaving the Keyword field blank acts as a wildcard, causing ATG Outreach to search for all landing pages (any page that has already been added to an ATG Outreach campaign as a landing page. In technical terms, this is any page that has been checked into the ATG Content Administration versioning system as a landingPage repository item).

    To add a new landing page to this action, click Create New Landing Page.

  2. Enter a name and an optional description for the landing page. Note that the name is used by the HTML Editor as the default name for the link to this page that you add in the body of the e-mail message. Therefore, unless you change the text that appears for the link when you create the message, the name you enter here is visible to customers. The description is used only by the internal application.

  3. Specify the page to add. You can add any page that has the extension .html, .jhtml, or .jsp.

    Either: To add a page that exists on your site, select Already On the Website, URL, and enter the context root of the Web application that represents your site, followed by the path and name of the page. In most cases you can determine an application’s context root by looking in its application.xml file. The ATG Outreach file, for example, is located as follows: <ATG2007.3dir>\ACO2007.3\ACO\communication\common\j2ee-apps\Outreach.ear\META-INF\application.xml.




    For more information on the correct path to enter, see your application administrator.

    Or: To add a URL for another site as the landing page, select Already On the Website, URL, and enter the URL (for example

    Or: To add the current version of a page that exists in the ATG Content Administration versioning system, select A JSP File Asset and then use the Browse button to locate the page from the JavaServer Page Picker.

    Or: To add an entirely new page, select A JSP File Asset, click Browse, and then click Create New JavaServer Page. Complete the fields that define the new page. For instructions, refer to the ATG Content Administration Guide for Business Users. Note: when the campaign is deployed, the new page is deployed as both a file asset and a landingPage repository item. For more information, see Understanding Landing Page Deployment.

  4. If you want to set up an event that is triggered when a customer visits this landing page, click Add Event. See Adding Events to a Landing Page for more information.

  5. When you have finished adding the landing page, click OK.

You can add as many landing pages to an action as you require.

The image below shows the landing page editor with some sample data:

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