Use the Insert Page Fragment option on the Outreach menu to add previously created JavaServer Page (JSP) code snippets that perform advanced personalization of your e-mail content or represent commonly used elements, such as a company address or disclaimer. The JSP fragments are typically created by site developers and can be reused as needed in any campaign.

To insert a page fragment, complete the following steps:

Each e-mail recipient sees the contents of the JSP fragment. Any profile property references in the fragment show the values from his or her profile. The following image shows an example dspel: include tag as it appears in the e-mail editor:

The image below shows how the body of the message could be resolved for a given e-mail recipient:

The following JSP fragments are provided by default in ATG Outreach. Note that several of them require ATG Commerce.

Note: These files are not automatically available from the Insert Page Fragment menu; to be able to use them, you must first deploy them through the ATG Business Control Center. For instructions, see Configuring Page Fragments in the ATG Outreach Administration and Development Guide. In addition, the fragments themselves typically need to be edited to make them applicable to your campaigns.

The JSP files for the sample fragment described above are located in <ATG2007.3dir>\ACO2007.3\ACO\communication\common\j2ee-apps\Outreach.ear\Outreach.war\collections.

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