/atg/epub/version/VersionManagerService is the default VersionManager that is provided with ATG Content Administration. It manages the development lines that are used by configured VersionRepository instances, such as the main branch and the workspaces created for processes, including ATG Content Administration projects.

The VersionManagerService has two map properties that identify the versioned repositories and virtual file systems that it should manage:


Stores a map of the versioned repositories to manage. The mapping is between a short name used by the VersionManager and the fully qualified Nucleus path of a VersionRepository.

By default, this map includes only the /atg/epub/file/SecuredPublishingFileRepository and the /atg/epub/process/ProcessDataRepository. Add to this map each VersionRepository that you create and configure, as described in Configure Repository Asset Support.

If a versioned repository has a secured repository instance configured on top, specify the secured repository and not the underlying versioned repository. Otherwise, the VersionManager cannot access the repository according to the specified security settings. In this case, the name specified in the repositoryName property of both the secured repository and the underlying VersionRepository must be identical.


Stores a map of the virtual file systems to manage. The mapping is between a short name used by the VersionManager and the fully qualified Nucleus path of a ContentRepositoryVFSService.

By default this map includes only the /atg/epub/file/ConfigFileSystem and the

If /atg/epub/file/PublishingFileRepository is extended to support additional item types (see Configure Support for Other File Assets), add to this map any VFSs you configured to support those item types.

For example, to add two additional repositories and a VFS, you can layer on a configuration file like this (note use of the appending operator +=):


Optimizing merge, revert, and check-in performance

For merge, revert, and check-in operations that involve a large number of assets, ATG Content Administration automatically uses optimization features to improve database performance. When optimization is disabled, these operations iterate over workspace assets and issue SQL statements for each one. When optimization is enabled, a single SQL operation is performed on all workspace assets.

By default, the threshold number of workspace assets required to trigger an optimized operation is set to 500. To change this number, edit the following properties in the component /atg/epub/version/VersionManagerService (the number can be configured differently for each operation if required):

Note: For Oracle, the setting for mergeOptimizationThresholdCount works only if the database does not contain LONG datatype columns. To enable merge optimization, change the following column datatypes: LONG or LONG VARCHAR to CLOB, and LONG RAW to BLOB.

Optimized operations require table joins and the invalidation of GSA caches. Thus, optimization settings can enhance performance for large loads but might adversely affect performance for small loads.

To disable optimized merge or revert, set the following properties in the /atg/epub/version/VersionManagerService component to false:

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