This chapter provides technical information on managing the security of ATG Content Administration and the assets that you manage with it. It includes the following sections:

  • ATG Content Administration Users describes the ATG Content Administration users who manage assets via the ATG Business Control Center and ATG Control Center. Also describes the principals that are provided by default.

  • PublishingRepository Security describes the default security of the /atg/epub/PublishingRepository, the standard repository that stores the items required by ATG Content Administration, such as processes and projects.

  • VersionRepository Security describes how to manage the security of the versioned repositories that store your assets.

  • PublishingFileRepository Security describes the default security of the PublishingFileRepository, the content VersionRepository that is provided out-of-the-box for file assets.

  • Disabling a Secured Repository describes a simple process for turning off security for a secured repository. Useful if you do not require security for the out-of-the-box repositories provided with ATG Content Administration.

Note: This chapter assumes you are familiar with the concepts discussed in the following chapters:

For information on managing the security of ATG Content Administration-managed assets on your deployment targets, see Manage Asset Security on Target Sites in the chapter Setting Up Deployment.

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