exportRepository and importRepository use a compressed, binary file format. However, both utilities provide arguments to control message detail, and generate information about exported and imported data.

Utility Message


Show more detail in the message. Specify multiple times in order to increase the level of detail.


print the current time in milliseconds with each info message

Data File

The following arguments print the data in a file:

print [range]

Prints a summary of the data file and exits.

printItems [range]

Prints the IDs of data file items.

printItemDetail [range]

Prints detailed information about data file items, including item property values.


Constrains output to a specified range with the following arguments:

  printStartIndex index

where index is the zero-based starting index.

  printEndIndex index

where index is the zero-based ending index.

Set index to -1 in order to print to the last item.

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