You can define deployment topology through this XML file:


The tags are described in the previous section and also within the XML file itself.

The following example shows part of a deploymentTopology.xml file.




      <rmi uri>rmi://

- <!--  Order matters. Repository mappings must come after agent tags.






    Agents in the Staging target defined here…


You specify an agent’s deployment responsibilities through three tags:

Tags <includeassetdestination> and <excludeassetdestination> are set to the destination’s absolute component name in Nucleus. Multiple instances of the <includeassetdestination> and <excludeassetdestination> include and exclude multiple asset destinations, respectively. For example, if you set <principalasset> to REPOSITORY, you can then further define the deployment responsibilities for that agent through include and exclude tags.

Note: When manually supplying values in a deploymentTopology.xml file for tags <includeassetdestination> and <excludeassetdestination>, specify the names of the repositories exactly as they are listed in the Version Manager.

The <repositorymapping> tags specify the source and destination repositories for the deployment.

Importing a previous version

You can import a deploymentTopology.xml file used with a previous version of ATG Content Administration.

To import a deploymentTopology.xml file:

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