Use this reference when integrating ATG Search with other ATG applications. The integration tools provide objects that allow you to set parameters that control search behavior. This book explains what those parameters are, their possible settings, and the effects of each setting for the search process. This information is intended to help you understand Search configuration options in context, and to help with debugging queries.

The guide contains the following chapters:



Query Concepts and Processes

Introduces many concepts important for understanding and effectively using and implementing ATG Search. A basic understanding of how a search engine works is necessary to understand the remainder of the document.

User-Entered Query Operators

Explains the operators users can enter directly as part of the query to affect how ATG Search finds results.

Standard Query

Describes the request and response objects used for standard queries.

Viewing in Context

Describes the request and response objects used to view query responses in their document contexts.

Index Browsing

Describes the request and response objects that allow end-users to browse indexed material related to their query.

Categorize Query

Describes the request and response objects used to apply ATG Search topics to query terms.

Similar Text Retrieval

Describes the request and response objects that allow end-users to request similar text to that returned by their query.

Structured Content Queries

Describes the request and result objects used for standard queries against structured content.

Query Component Reference

Provides detailed information on the common settings used by the query types described in previous chapters. Since many queries use the same attributes, this provides a single location for all of this information. This includes information such as constraining a query to search only a subset of the index and how to limit responses to a specified degree of relevance.


Provides definitions for ATG Search terms.

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