Index items typically have a last modified date associated with them. Queries can be constrained to items with a certain date or a range of dates. The XML representation of this constraint is:

<date op="num_op" > date_string </date>

This constraint has the same comparative operator values as the number property constraint (see Property Constraints). The date_string is either a valid date value or a range of valid values, expressed as initialdate-finaldate. The valid forms of data values are:

  • YYYY – A four digit year

  • YY – A two digit year, assumes 1900.

  • MMYY – Month number followed by two digit year

  • MMYYYY – Month number followed by four digit year

  • MMDDYY – Month number followed by day number followed by two digit year

  • MMDDYYYY – Month number followed by day number followed by four digit year

  • monthDDYY – Month name followed by day number followed by two digit year

  • monthDDYYYY – Month name followed by day number followed by four digit year

For all forms, the month, day, and year components must be separated by one of the following delimiters: space, hyphen, period, comma, slash or back-slash.

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