As described in the Query Concepts and Processes chapter, ATG Search handles natural language and Boolean queries. Simple Boolean syntax is handled automatically as part of the natural language processing, but complex Boolean expressions require a special mode of processing. Furthermore, ATG Search can support simple keyword search behavior in several additional modes. These modes are controlled by this attribute:

<statement mode="mode"

The mode value can be any one of the following:

  • nlp—Natural-language and simple Boolean queries. This is the default value.

  • boolean—Parsing of complex Boolean expressions.

  • keyword—Handles natural language queries in a simplistic keyword search model. ATG Search parses the query as normal, but each query term is double-quoted and required to appear in the index items of the results. For example, a query of install procedures in keyword mode would be interpreted as ++”install” ++”procedures”.

  • and—Natural language queries in an expanded keyword search model. ATG Search parses the query as normal, but each query term is required to appear in the index items of the results. This is similar to the keyword mode, but without the double-quotes, which means the query terms could match morphological variants and use term expansions. For example, a query of install procedures in keyword mode would be interpreted as ++install ++procedures.

  • matchall—Natural language queries as a Boolean AND of terms, as opposed to AS’s default Boolean OR. ATG Search parses the query as normal, but each query term is required to appear in the result statements. For example, a query of install procedures in keyword mode would be interpreted as +install +procedures.

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