Normally, ATG Search returns the full source XHTML upon request from an application. However, some applications desire portions of the XHTML to be secured from view, depending on the user’s access rights. ATG Search’s XHTML format allows for this security option using standard <div> block tags around statements and properties.

A secured property has a <div> block tag around the <meta> tag as shown below. The class attribute is in the form of atg:view_access:groups or primus:view_access:groups, where groups is a comma-delimited list of access groups. Only access groups supplied with the view request will have the secured properties returned. Properties without these special <div> tags are unsecured and returned to all requests.

<div class="atg:view_access:groups">
<meta name="atg:type:prop" content="value"
scheme="displayName=displayValue" />

A secured statement has a <div> block tag around the <div> statement tags as shown below. The class attribute is in the form of atg:view_access:groups or primus:view_access:groups, where groups is a comma-delimited list of access groups. Only access groups supplied with the view request will see the secured statements. Statements without these special <div> tags are unsecured and viewed by all.

<div class="atg:view_access:groups">
     <div class="atg:role:field" id="n">
     statement text
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