Similar to standard queries, each individual query in a Structured Query request can specify what text fields to search within. The fields to search are specified by the following attribute:

<statement name="fields"

The fields value is a comma-delimited list of valid text field names for the indexed content, such as role:symptom or role:goal. Multiple field names form a Boolean OR of searchable text fields. There is no default value for this attribute; fields must be specified.

ATG Search indexes structured content and records the fields from which each sentence term vector was created. Queries can be constrained to a limited set of fields, also called a fielded search. The activeSolutionZones parameter establishes which fields are included in search of structured content; all other fields will be excluded from the search. For example:


By default, all fields are searched, using the following setting:


ATG Search also indexes unstructured content and records the fields from which each sentence term vector was created. However, in this case, all sentences from the body of the unstructured content resides in a single field, called doc. The title of the content is stored in a role:title field and the URL is stored in a role:url field. The following parameter establishes which fields are included in search of unstructured content – all other fields will be excluded from the search:


To include the title and URL fields in the search, use the following:

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