The /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin component (of class atg.endeca.index.admin.SimpleIndexingAdmin) manages the process of generating records, submitting them to Oracle Endeca Commerce, and invoking indexing. The page for this component in the Component Browser of the ATG Dynamo Server Admin presents a simple user interface for controlling and monitoring the process.

The SimpleIndexingAdmin class defines indexing in terms of an indexing job, which is made of up indexing phases, which in turn contain indexing tasks. Each indexing task is responsible for executing an individual Indexable component. Tasks within a phase may run in sequence or in parallel, but in either case all tasks in a phase must complete before the next phase can begin.

By default, the ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin defines three phases:

ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin reports information about an indexing job, such as the start and finish time of the job, the duration of each phase, the status of each task, and the number of records submitted.

You can invoke indexing jobs manually through the ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin user interface. In addition, the SimpleIndexingAdmin class implements the atg.service.scheduler.Schedulable interface, so it is also possible to configure the ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin component to invoke indexing jobs automatically on a specified schedule. (See the ATG Platform Programming Guide for information about the Schedulable interface and other Scheduler services.)

Key configuration properties of ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin include:


This property defines the phases and tasks of an indexing job, and the order in which the phases are executed. It is a comma-separated list of phases, where the format of each phase definition is:


Phases are executed in priority order, with lower number priorities executed first.

By default, this is set to:


A boolean that controls whether to run tasks within a phase in parallel. Set to true by default. If set to false, the tasks are executed in sequence, in the order specified in the phaseToPrioritiesAndTasks property. Setting runTasksWithinPhaseInParallel to false can simplify debugging, because when tasks are run in parallel, logging messages from multiple components may be interspersed, making them difficult to read.


A boolean that controls whether to invoke indexing automatically on a specified schedule. Set to false by default.


A String that specifies the schedule for performing baseline updates. Set to null by default. If you set enableScheduledIndexing to true, set baselineSchedule to a String that conforms to one of the formats accepted by classes implementing the atg.service.scheduler.Schedule interface, such as atg.service.scheduler.CalendarSchedule or atg.service.scheduler.PeriodicSchedule. For example, to schedule a baseline update to run every Sunday at 11:30 pm:

baselineSchedule=calendar * * 7 * 23 30

A String that specifies the schedule for performing baseline updates. The format for the String is the same as the format used for baselineSchedule. Set to null by default.


The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying a scheduled indexing job if the first attempt to execute it fails. Set by default to -1, which means no retry. If you change this value, you should set it to a relatively short amount of time to ensure that the indexing job completes before the next scheduled job begins. If ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin estimates that the retried job will not complete before the next scheduled job, it skips the retry.


Specifies the component that manages queueing of index jobs. Set by default to /atg/endeca/index/InMemoryJobQueue. See Queueing Indexing Jobs for more information.

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