If your environment has one language per MDEX, you need to create language-specific WorkbenchContentSource and MDEXResource components so that the Assembler can connect to the correct Workbench and MDEX instances.

Note: This section assumes you have used the naming convention ATGProdlang for the Endeca applications that support the ATG production server instance.

To modify the ATG configuration for language-specific MDEX and Workbench instances:

  1. Create an Initial.properties file in $DYNAMO_HOME/servers/ATG-production-server/localconfig, where ATG-production-server is the name of your ATG production instance.

  2. Edit the Initial.properties file to add the language-specific versions of the WorkbenchContentSource component (note, you will create these language-specific components momentarily). For example, if your application supports English, German, and Spanish, the entry for the initialServices property would look like this:


  3. In $DYNAMO_HOME/servers/ATG-production-server/localconfig, add an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/WorkbenchContentSource.properties file with the following contents:


  4. In $DYNAMO_HOME/servers/ATG-production-server/localconfig, add an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/WorkbenchContentSource_lang.properties file with the following contents for each language your application needs to support:


    Where lang is a two-letter language code. For example, for English, create an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/WorkbenchContentSource_en.properties file with the following contents:


  5. In $DYNAMO_HOME/servers/ATG-production-server/localconfig, add an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultWorkbenchContentSource.properties file with the following contents:


    Where lang is the two-letter language code for your application’s default language. For example, if English is your default language, create an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/DefaultWorkbenchContentSource.properties file with the following contents:


  6. In $DYNAMO_HOME/servers/ATG-production-server/localconfig, add an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/MdexResource.properties file with the following contents:


  7. In $DYNAMO_HOME/servers/ATG-production-server/localconfig, add an /atg/endeca/assembler/cartridge/manager/MdexResource_lang.properties file, where lang is a two-letter language code, for each language your application needs to support. The contents of each file should look like this:


    mdex-host-machine and port-number are the name of the machine and the Live Dgraph port number for the MDEX instance that supports the associated language.

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