For instructions on logging in to Oracle ILOM, refer to the Log In to the Oracle ILOM CLI in Oracle ILOM User’s Guide for System Monitoring and Diagnostics Firmware Release 3.2.x.
-> create /SP/services/snmp/communities/community_name permission=rw
-> set /SP/services/snmp servicestate=enabled v2c=enabled sets=enabled port=161
For instructions on downloading the Oracle ILOM MIBs, see Downloading SNMP MIBs Using Oracle ILOM.
defversion 2c defcommunity community_name defaultPort 161 mibs ALL mibdirs +$HOME/mibs
%snmpset SNMP_agent sysName.0 s mynewname
The command should produce similar output on your system:
RFC1213-MIB::sysName.0 = STRING: “mynewname”