Receiving new LPNs on Facility Transfer Shipments

Currently, during cartonized shipment receiving, if you scan an LPN that is not in WMS, you are taken into blind LPN receipt mode (SKU level receiving). The screen parameter, newlpn-xfer-shp-behavior in RF receiving transactions, controls the behavior of receiving if a blind LPN is encountered while receiving facility transfer shipments.

During receiving, if you scan a blind LPN, Oracle WMS Cloud checks to see if the shipment is a facility transfer shipment (if the origin_facility_id is populated in the ib_shipment, then the shipment is a facility transfer shipment).
  • If the shipment is not a facility transfer shipment, the system defaults to the current functionality where you are taken into SKU level receiving mode.
  • If the shipment is a facility transfer shipment, the system checks the value of the screen parameter newlpn-xfer-shp-behavior:
    • If newlpn-xfer-shp-behavior is set as Allow/Null, the system defaults to the current functionality where you are taken into SKU level receiving mode.
    • If newlpn-xfer-shp-behavior is set as “Fetch LPN Info from source”:
      • The system will get origin facility information based on origin_facility_id on ib_shipment.
      • Next, the system will query the origin facility to see if an outbound LPN exists in the origin facility with the LPN_NBR equal to the scanned LPN and the status of the LPN is either Packed, Loaded, or Shipped.
        • If the LPN is not found in the origin facility, you are taken into SKU level receiving mode.
        • If the LPN is found in the origin facility, an IB Shipment Dtl is created in the receiving facility with details from the origin facility and you can receive the LPN just like cartonized LPN receiving (without scanning details).
      • If a valid email ID is configured in the facility parameter ALERT_NEW_LPN_ON_FACILITY_TRANSFER_SHIPMENT, the message “Unexpected LPN <Scanned LPN Nbr> was received by user <user> on shipment <scanned shipment_nbr>” is emailed to the configured ID.
      • If the email ID is invalid (does not pass basic checks of ‘@’, ‘.’ etc) or if the email ID is null, the transaction continues to process without failing.
    • If allow-newlpn-fac-xfer-shp is set as “Fetch LPN Info and Reconcile”:
      • If the facility where the LPN is scanned is the same as the OBLPN's Ship To facility, the OBLPN's status is updated to 'Delivered.'
      • If the facility where the LPN is scanned is different from the OBLPN's Ship To facility and the status is 'Packed' or 'Loaded,' the OBLPN's status is updated to 'Shipped.'
      • If the OBLPN is assigned to a Load and the status is 'Packed' or 'Loaded,' the system will un-assign the LPN from the load or perform unload updates if the LPN is in 'Loaded’ Status.
    • If allow-newlpn-fac-xfer-shp is set as “Do Not Allow”, you are not allowed to receive the LPN. The error message “Invalid LPN Nbr” displays.