Account - Alerts

The Alerts tab allows you to associate different types of alerts with an account. Once you associate an alert type with an account, it appears on the dashboard for the specified period. You can set an alert for any follow up action that needs to be taken for an account. For example, you can associate an alert type for setting a reminder for the due date of a bill payment for an account. This tab contains the following fields:

Field Name Field Description
Alert Type Used to specify the alert type for the account.
Start Date Used to specify the date from when the alert type will be active for the account and displayed on the dashboard.
End Date Used to specify the date till when the alert type will be active for the account and displayed on the dashboard.
Note: If you want the alert type to be active for an indefinite period, leave this field blank. In this case, the active period will be the number of alert days defined for the alert type, which will be calculated from the specified start date.