Account - Auto Pay

The Auto Pay page is used when an account pays their bills automatically (e.g., by direct debit or credit card).

Fastpath: Refer to How And When Are Automatic Payments Created? for more information.

Open Customer Management, Account and navigate to the Auto Pay tab to maintain this information.

Description of Page

Use the Defer Auto Pay Date field to specify the date till when you want to hold the automatic payment process of the account.

Use the Rule Based Auto Pay option when you want to define a default, manual, or rule based auto pay instruction for the account.
Note: You can select the Rule Based Auto Pay option when all existing auto pay instructions created from the Account screen are past dated. And, you can deselect the Rule Based Auto Pay option when all existing auto pay instructions created from the Auto Pay Instruction screen are past dated.
The Account Auto Pay scroll defines the bank account / credit card from which the customer's automatic payments are debited. Multiple auto-pay options may exist if the customer changes auto-pay options over time.
Note: Installation Option Algorithm for autopay amount calculation should be set to APAM-SETT (CIPPKDSX).

The Auto Pay Usage field is used to indicate whether the automatic payment option is available for automatic credit or debit, or for both automatic credit and debit.

The following fields display:

  • Start Date is the date on which the automatic payment information comes into affect. The system creates an automatic payment for any bill produced for this account with a due date on/after this date and on/before the End Date. If End Date is not specified, this means the automatic payment option applies indefinitely. You need only specify an End Date if the customer wants to stop paying automatically.
  • Auto Pay ID is the unique identifier of the auto-pay record.
  • Percentage is the contribution of payment amount in percentage within multiple Auto Pay IDs (i.e for Auto Pay Sources) having the same Priority.
  • Priority is a number representing priority for a set of auto pay sources and a auto pay route type for a given start and end date with other set of Auto Pay Sources and Auto Pay Route Types.
  • Use Auto Pay Source Code to define the source of the funds used to satisfy the automatic payment request. For example, if a customer indicates that they want to use their checking account to pay their bill, you would specify the Auto Pay Source Code associated with their bank. The source's description and external source ID (e.g., bank routing number) are displayed adjacent.
  • Use Auto Pay Method to specify whether you want the system to process automatic payments as Direct Debit or Payment Advice. This field is visible only if feature configuration is set up to support payment advice functionality. Refer to Payment Advices for more information on the payment advice functionality.
  • Use Auto Pay Route Type to control when and how automatic payment requests of the account are routed to a financial institution. It also controls when the general ledger is impacted by the automatic payment financial transaction.
    Fastpath: Refer to Setting Up Auto-Pay Route Types for more information.
  • Use Account Number to define the customer's bank account / credit card number.
  • You will be required to define an Expires On date if the Auto Pay Source Code references a tender type that requires an expiration date (e.g., if the Auto Pay Source is a credit card company).
  • Enter the Name of the customer as it appears in the financial institution's system. This name is routed to the financial institution.
Note: The Name will default to the primary name of the main customer linked to the account after you enter a Start Date. This defaulting is only possible for accounts that exist on the database.
  • In some locales, customers can define a Maximum Withdrawal Amount to limit the amount of money that is automatically debited from their account. Refer to How To Implement Maximum Withdrawal Amounts for more information.
  • Use Comments to describe anything interesting / unusual about the automatic payment request.
Fastpath: Refer to How To Split Automatic Payment for more information on how multiple auto pay sources are allowed for given start date and end date of an Auto Pay record. For payment amount calculation in split auto pay, refer to Installation Options - Algorithms where CI_​APAMSETT has to be configured.