Account - Deposits

The Deposits page contains information about all cash and non-cash deposits linked to an account.

Note: Cash versus Non-cash Deposits. Non-cash deposits (e.g., letters of credit, surety bonds, 3 rd party deposits) can be added and maintained on this page. Cash deposits are maintained using contracts.

Open Customer Management, Account and navigate to the Deposits tab to view this information.

Description of Page

The following fields appear in the Deposit Summary:

Cash Deposits On Hand The total amount of cash deposits currently held for the account. This value is equal to the sum of the payoff balances from all contracts whose contract type has a special role of Cash Deposit.

Cash Deposits Requested This value is equal to the sum of Total Amount to Bill from all contracts whose contract type has a special role of Cash Deposit.

Non-Cash Deposits The total amount of active non-cash deposits currently held for the account. This value is equal to the sum of non-cash deposits displayed in the scroll below (note, non-cash deposits can be maintained in the same scroll).

Total Deposits on Hand This is the sum of cash and non-cash deposits held for the account.

Turn on Do Not Review or Refund if this account should not be considered by the Deposit Review background process (this process highlights customers who require an additional deposit) or by the Deposit Refund background process.

The Non-Cash Deposit scroll contains an entry for every non-cash deposit linked to the account.

To modify a non-cash deposit, simply move to a field and change its value. To add a new non-cash deposit, click the + button and then fill in the information for each field.

Start Date This is the date the non-cash deposit is effective.

End Date This is the expiration date of the non-cash deposit.

Non Cash Deposit Type Select the appropriate non-cash deposit type. The value selected is important as it controls whether the system requires a Third Party Deposit and whether the system will create a To Do entry near the expiration date of the deposit. Refer to Setting Up Non-Cash Deposit Types for more information.

Deposit Class Select the deposit class in which this non-cash deposit should be included. This value is used when the system amalgamates an account's total deposits when checking if the account holds an adequate deposit (amalgamation and recommendation happens within a deposit class).

Deposit Amount Indicate the amount of the non-cash deposit.

Document Number Enter the document number, if any, associated with the non-cash deposit (e.g., the letter of credit number, the surety bond number, etc.).

Third Party Deposit Contract If a 3 rd party has paid the cash deposit for the account, reference the deposit contract associated with the 3rd party.

Comments Enter any free-form comments about the non-cash deposit.