Generate (Bill - Bill Segments)

The Generate button is used to delete and recreate one or more bill segments. This button is enabled if you select at least one row from the bill segments grid that's in the Error, Freezable and/or Incomplete state.

Note that you can only select a bill segment for regeneration if ALL bill segments in the grid are in the Error, Freezable and/or Incomplete states. Note, you can use the Status Filter to restrict the type of bill segments in the grid.

When clicked, the Generate window opens.

You must specify the following parameters in the Generate window to regenerate a new bill:

  • Accounting Date defines the financial period to which the new bill segments' financial transactions will be booked. The current date defaults when the window opens.
  • Check Allow Estimates if the system is allowed to estimate.
  • Billing Option controls how the system retrieves the charges on the bill. Select the Use Cut Off Date option if the charges exists on the cut-off date.

After specifying the parameters, click Calculate to regenerate the selected bill segments. A summary of what the system does is presented next.