Sort Key

The following table defines the structure of the sort key that appears on each bill print record. Please note that different components are filled in for each printer key.

Field Name Format Source/Value/Description
Bill Print Intercept A8 This is the user ID, if any, who reviews the bill (as specified on the account record)
Bill ID A12
Sequence Number N2 The sequence number of the account / person information associated with this bill routing information.
Copy Number N1 The number of copies desired by the account / person associated with this bill routing information.
Bill record group A2

10 Bill

20 Payment

30 Current charge

40 Message

70 Bill end

Filler A2
State A6 N/A
City A30 N/A
Address 1 A64 N/A
Id A10 N/A
Record group A2 N/A
Contract Print Priority A2
Contract Id A10
Contract Group A2

For Non-Location based records:

10 Contract

20 Current Charge

30 Adjustment

40 Contract end record

Bill Segment End Date A10

If the record is related to an adjustment, this is the adjustment creation date.

If the record is for histogram detail, this contains the histogram detail number.

Bill Segment Id A12 If the record is related to an adjustment, this is the adjustment ID.
Bill Segment Group A2

10 Bill segment

20 Bill segment calculation group

30 Bill segment read detail

40 Bill segment SQ detail

50 Bill segment item detail

55 Bill segment message

60 Bill segment end

Bill Calc Header Sequence N2 For records related to read detail, SQ detail, item detail or bill message detail, this field contains the related sequence number for that record.
Bill Calc Header Group A2

10 Bill calculation header

20 Bill calculation line

30 Bill calculation end

Line Seq N3 Defines order of rows for similar record types
Filler 65 Only applicable for non-location based records. (This makes up for the location address related fields that are not applicable above).