Canceling an Approval Transaction


To revert an approval transaction to its initial status, you should have:

  • Cancelation reasons defined in the application


While reverting an approval transaction, you need to specify the reason why you want to revert the approval transaction. You can select the appropriate cancelation reason when you have defined the reasons for the Canceled status of the business object in the Status Reason screen.

The system will not allow you to approve, return or revert an approval transaction submitted by you.


To cancel an approval transaction:

  1. Search for approval transactions with task details and status as Approve in the Approval Transaction screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Approval Transaction ID column corresponding to the approval transaction which you want to review.
    The Comparison: New versus Existing screen appears.
  3. Review the compared existing and new approval transactions.
  4. Click Revert to Original.
    The Rejection/Cancelation Reason window appears. It contains the following fields:
    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Approval Workflow Reason Used to search a particular approval workflow reason. Yes
    Comments Used to specify additional information while rejecting the usage record. Yes
  5. Enter the required details.
    A Comparison: New versus Existing screen appears where you can view the changes in the new transaction as compared to the existing ones.

    By default, any modifications will be highlighted in the Yellow (9933FF) color and new additions will be highlighted in the Purple (FFFF66) color. You can easily change these default colors. For more information on how to set the colors used for highlighting, see Setting the C1_​AXENTITY Feature Configuration.

  6. Click OK.
    The approval transaction is removed from the search results.

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