Excluding a Bill from a Funding Request

If the funding request is manually created through the user interface, you add or delete bills from the funding request when it is in the Draft status. However, if the funding request is automatically created through a custom logic, the system allows you to exclude the required bills from the funding request when it is in the Draft status. In such case, the status of the record in the funding request is changed to Excluded. The excluded bills can then be included in some other funding request.


To exclude a bill from a funding request, you should have:

  • Values defined for the CAN_​RSN_​CD_​FLG lookup field


To exclude a bill from a funding request:

  1. Search for the funding request in the Funding Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Funding Request Information column corresponding to the funding request whose details you want to edit.
    The Funding Request screen appears.
  3. Click the Bills tab.
    The Bills tab appears.
  4. In the Selected Bills zone, select the check box corresponding to a bill that you want to exclude from the funding request.
  5. Click the Edit button in the Selected Bills zone.

    The Edit Funding Request Details screen appears. It contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description
    Funding Request Information Displays the information about the funding request.

    In addition, this screen contains the following fields in a grid:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Bill Information Displays the information about the bill. Not applicable
    Garnishment Amount Displays the funding amount which is transferred to the garnishment contracts of the account. Not applicable
    Funding Amount Displays the bill amount which can be used for the funding process. It is calculated in the following manner:
    Bill Type Funding Amount for the Bill
    Debit Bill Outstanding Bill Amount - Hold Amount (set on the bill in a hold request) - Offset Amount (set on the bill in an offset request)
    Credit Bill Outstanding Bill Amount - Hold Amount (set on the bill in a hold request) - Offset Amount (set on the bill in an offset request) - Garnishment Amount (set on the bill in a funding request)
    Not applicable
    Status Used to indicate the status of the record in the funding request. The valid values are:
    • Excluded

    • Invalid

    • Masked

    • Pending

    • Processed

    • Valid

    Cancel Reason Used to indicate the reason why you want to exclude the bill from the funding request.
    Note: The list includes only those values which are defined in the CAN_​RSN_​CD_​FLG lookup field.
    Yes (Conditional)
    Note: This field is required when you want to exclude the bill from the funding request.
    Note: The Edit button appears when the creation mode of the funding request is set to Automatic and the funding request is in the Draft status.
  6. Select the Excluded option from the Status field.
  7. Select the required cancel reason from the respective field.
  8. Click Save.
    The bill is excluded from the funding request. The status of the bill record in the funding request is set to Excluded.

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