Viewing the Garnishment Details of a Credit Bill


To view the garnishment details of a credit bill:

  1. Search for the funding request in the Funding Request screen.
  2. In the Search Results section, click the link in the Funding Request Information column corresponding to the funding request whose details you want to view.
    The Funding Request screen appears.
  3. Click the Bills tab.
    The Bills tab appears.
  4. In the Selected Bills zone, click the Broadcast The Broadcast Icon icon in the Garnishment column corresponding to the credit bill whose garnishment details you want to view.

    The View Garnishment Details screen appears. It contains the following field:

    Field Name Field Description
    Bill Info Indicates the credit bill whose garnishment details you are viewing.

    In addition, this screen contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Garnishment Contract Indicates the garnishment contract of the account against which amount from the credit bill is transferred.
    Garnishment Amount Displays the amount which is transferred to the garnishment contract.

    The Garnishment column does not appear when the funding request is in the Draft status.

    The View (The View Icon) icon appears in the Garnishment column only when the funding request is in the Processed status.

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