Selected Bills

The Selected Bills zone lists the debit and credit bills which are added to the funding request. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Bill Date Displays the date when the bill is created.
Person Identifier Displays the primary identifier of the person for whom the bill is created.
Person Country Indicates the country where the person is located.
Invoice Account Identifier Displays the primary identifier of the account for which the bill is created.
Funding Amount Displays the bill amount which can be used for the funding process. It is calculated in the following manner:
Bill Type Funding Amount for the Bill
Debit Bill Outstanding Bill Amount - Hold Amount (set on the bill in a hold request) - Offset Amount (set on the bill in an offset request)
Credit Bill Outstanding Bill Amount - Hold Amount (set on the bill in a hold request) - Offset Amount (set on the bill in an offset request) - Garnishment Amount (set on the bill in a funding request)
Note: The funding amount is calculated in the bill's currency.
Currency Code Indicates the currency in which the funding amount is calculated.
Hold Amount Displays the amount of the bill which is kept on hold through a hold request.
Offset Amount Displays the amount of the bill which is offset against another bill through an offset request.
Garnishment Amount Displays the amount of the credit bill which is transferred to the garnishment contracts of the account through the funding request.
Original Outstanding Amount Displays the original outstanding amount when the bill was added in the funding request.
Bill ID Displays the bill ID.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Bill screen appears where you can view the details of the respective bill.
Open Bills Indicates whether there are any unpaid bills of the person. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Garnishment Contract Indicates whether the garnishment contract exists for the account. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N


This column appears when the funding request is in the Draft status.

The data appears in this column when a credit bill is added to the funding request.

It has a link. On clicking the link, the Edit Garnishment Details screen appears where you can transfer the funding amount from the credit bill to one or more garnishment contracts of the account.

Garnishment On clicking the View (The View Icon) icon, the View Garnishment Details screen appears where you can view the funding amount transferred to the different garnishment contracts of the account.

This column does not appear when the funding request is in the Draft status.

The View (The View Icon) icon appears in this column when the funding request is in the Processed status.

Record Status Indicates the status of the bill record in the funding request. The valid values are:
  • Excluded

  • Invalid

  • Masked

  • Pending

  • Processed

  • Valid

  • Error

Threshold Range Indicates the threshold range for a bill which is calculated based on the number of payments made for the bill in the specified period.
Person Name Indicates the person whose bill is added in the funding request.
Bill Information Displays the information about the bill.
Split Banking Indicates whether the split automatic payment feature is used for the account. The valid values are:
  • Y

  • N

Funding Currency Amount Displays the funding amount which is converted in the funding currency defined on the account.
Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Search Results section. You can use the navigation links, such as Previous and Next to navigate between pages.

In addition, this section contains the following button:

Button Name Button Description
Delete Used to delete a bill from the funding request.
Note: The Delete button appears when the funding request is created manually and it is in the Draft status.
Edit Used to exclude a debit or credit bill from the funding request.
Note: The Edit button appears when the funding request is created automatically and it is in the Draft status.
Hold Used to create a hold request for one or more bills. However, you cannot select more than 20 bills. On activating or releasing a hold request, the funding amount is automatically updated in the funding request.
Note: The Hold button appears only when the funding request is in the Draft status.
Offset Used to create an offset request for a bill. On processing or unapplying an offset request, the funding amount is automatically updated in the funding request.
Note: The Offset button appears when the funding request is in the Draft status.

A check box appears corresponding to each bill when the funding request is in the Draft status. On selecting the check box, you can delete the bill from the funding request. You can also select multiple bills at the same time. In addition, you can select the check box corresponding to the column header. This allows you to delete all bills listed in the respective page from the funding request.

On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to a debit or credit bill, the Funding Payment Details or Funding Adjustments zone appears, respectively.

Note: The Broadcast icon does not appear when the funding request is in the Draft status.

You can filter the list using various search criteria (such as, Bill ID, Alternate Bill ID, Record Status, Bill Balance, Funding Amount From, Person ID, Funding Amount To, Currency, Funding Amount Threshold Range, and Country) available in the Filter area. By default, the Filter area is hidden. You can view the Filter area by clicking the Filters (The Filters Icon) icon in the upper right corner of this zone.

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