Search Bill

The bills listed in the Search Bill zone varies depending on the following scenarios:

If... Then...
The single offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to Y The Search Bill zone lists completed bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request) and completed bills of all accounts of its effective child persons. If the primary bill is a debit bill, it lists credit bills of the main customer and its child persons. However, if the primary bill is a credit bill, it lists debit bills of the main customer and its child persons. Note that it lists only those bills which are in the same currency as that of the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed bills of the main customer and its child persons which are in USD.
The single offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to N The Search Bill zone lists completed bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request). If the primary bill is a debit bill, it lists credit bills of the main customer. However, if the primary bill is a credit bill, it lists debit bills of the main customer. Note that it lists only those bills which are in the same currency as that of the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed bills of the main customer which are in USD.
The mass offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to Y The Search Bill zone lists completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request) and completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of its effective child persons. Note that it lists only those debit and credit bills which are in the same currency as that of the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed debit and credit bills of the main customer and its child persons which are in USD.
The mass offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to N The Search Bill zone lists completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request). Note that it lists only those debit and credit bills which are in the same currency as that of the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed debit and credit bills of the main customer which are in USD.
The cross currency offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to Y The Search Bill zone lists completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request) and completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of its effective child persons. Note that it lists only those debit and credit bills which are in the currency different from the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed debit and credit bills of the main customer and its child persons which are in the currency other than USD.
The cross currency offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to N The Search Bill zone lists completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request). Note that it lists only those debit and credit bills which are in the currency different from the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed debit and credit bills of the main customer which are in the currency other than USD.
The offset request is created through the Offset Request screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to Y The Search Bill zone lists completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request) and completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of its effective child persons. Note that it lists only those debit and credit bills which are in the same currency as that of the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed debit and credit bills of the main customer and its child persons which are in USD.
Note: This zone lists the debit and credit bills in the currency different from the primary bill when the Show Cross Currency Bills option is selected.
The offset request is created through the Offset Request screen and the Allow Offsetting Across Persons option type of the C1-OFFSETREQ feature configuration is set to N The Search Bill zone lists completed debit and credit bills of all accounts of the main customer (whose bill is added as the primary bill in the offset request). Note that it lists only those debit and credit bills which are in the same currency as that of the primary bill. For example, if the primary bill is in USD, then this zone lists all completed debit and credit bills of the main customer which are in USD.
Note: This zone lists the debit and credit bills in the currency different from the primary bill only when the Show Cross Currency Bills option is selected.

It also allows you to filter the bills using various search criteria. It contains the following two sections:

  • Search Criteria - The Search Criteria section contains the following fields:

    Field Name Field Description Mandatory (Yes or No)
    Search By Used to indicate whether you want to search for a completed bill using the person, account, or bill details. The valid values are:
    • Person Details

    • Account Details

    • Bill Details

    Note: By default, the Person Details option is selected.
    Person ID Used to search completed bills of a particular person.

    This field appears when the Person Details option is selected from the Search By list.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Person ID field. On clicking the Search icon, the Person Search window appears.

    Bill Date From Used to search completed bills which are created from a particular date onwards.

    By default, it is set to a date which is calculated as follows:

    Bill Date To - Bill Search Period (Specified in Offset Request Type)
    Bills on Hold Used to indicate whether you want to search completed bills which are partially kept on hold. The valid values are:
    • No

    • Yes

    Bill Date To Used to search completed bills which are created till a particular date.
    Note: By default, it is set to the current date.
    Bill Balance Used to indicate whether you want to search completed bills with a particular balance amount. The valid values are:
    • Equal to Zero

    • Greater Than Zero

    • Less Than Zero

    • Not Equal to Zero


    If a single or cross currency offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen, this field is disabled, and by default, it is set to the following:

    If the primary bill is a... Then, it is set to...
    Credit Bill Greater Than Zero
    Debit Bill Less Than Zero
    Show Cross Currency Bills Used to indicate whether you want to search completed bills in the currencies different from the primary bill.

    This option is disabled when a single or cross currency offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen.

    By default, this option is selected when a cross currency offset request is created through the Account Receivable Central screen.

    Account ID Used to search completed bills which created for a particular account.

    This field appears when the Account Details option is selected from the Search By list.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Account ID field. On clicking the Search icon, the Account Search window appears.

    Bill ID Used to search a particular completed bill.

    This field appears when the Bill Details option is selected from the Search By list.

    The Search (The Search Icon) icon appears corresponding to the Bill ID field. On clicking the Search icon, the Bill Search window appears.

  • Search Results - On clicking the Search button, the search results appear based on the specified search criteria. The Search Results section contains the following columns:

    Column Name Column Description
    Bill Information Display information about the completed debit or credit bill. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Bill screen appears where you can view the details of the respective bill.
    Bill Date Displays the date when the debit or credit bill is created.
    Due Date Displays the date when the debit or credit bill is due for payment.
    Outstanding Amount Displays the outstanding amount (i.e. unpaid amount) of the debit or credit bill.
    Hold Amount Displays the amount of the debit or credit bill which is kept on hold through an hold request.
    Outstanding Amount (Offset Currency) Displays the outstanding amount (i.e. unpaid amount) of the debit or credit bill in the currency in which the bill amount would be offset.
    Note: This column appears when the offset request is a cross-currency offset request.
    Account Information Indicates the account for which the debit or credit bill is created. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
    Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.
    Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in the Search Results section. You can use the navigation links, such as Previous and Next to navigate between pages.

    In addition, this section contains the following button:

    Button Name Button Description
    Add Used to add a bill to the offset request.

    A check box appears corresponding to each bill. On selecting the check box, you can add the bill to the offset request. You can also select multiple bills at the same time. In addition, you can select the check box corresponding to the column header. This allows you to add all bills listed in the respective page to the offset request.

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How to add a debit or credit bill to an offset request Adding a Debit or Credit Bill to an Offset Request
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