Selected Bills

The Selected Bills zone lists the debit and credit bills which are added to the offset request. It contains the following columns:

Column Name Column Description
Bill Information Indicates the debit or credit bill which is added to the offset request. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Bill screen appears where you can view the details of the respective bill.
Outstanding Amount Displays the outstanding amount (i.e. unpaid amount) of the debit or credit bill.
Bill Date Displays the date when the debit or credit bill is created.
Debit Balance Displays the sum of unpaid debit line items of a bill.
Credit Balance Displays the sum of open credit line items of a bill.
Credit Bill Indicates whether you want to consider a debit bill with a credit line item as a credit bill in the offset request.
Hold Amount Displays the amount of the debit or credit bill which is kept on hold through a hold request.
Offset Amount Displays the amount which you want to offset from the debit or credit bill.
Remaining Bill Balance Displays the remaining outstanding amount of the debit or credit bill (i.e. Outstanding Amount - Hold Amount - Offset Amount).
Note: This column does not appear when the offset request is in the Processed or Unapplied Offset status.
Updated Hold Amount Displays the new hold amount (i.e. Current Hold Amount + Remaining Bill Balance) for the debit or credit bill which is derived when the remaining bill balance is less than the current hold amount.
Note: This column does not appear when the offset request is in the Processed or Unapplied Offset status.
Account Information Indicates the account for which the debit or credit bill is created. In addition, this column has a context menu which helps in navigating to other screens in the application.
Note: It has a link. On clicking the link, the Account screen appears where you can view the details of the respective account.
Bill ID Displays the bill ID.
Note: Pagination is used to display limited number of records in this zone. You can use the navigation links, such as Previous and Next to navigate between pages.

On clicking the Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon corresponding to a bill, the Offset Request Adjustments zone appears where you can view the offset or transfer adjustments created for the bill through the offset request.

Note: The Broadcast (The Broadcast Icon) icon appears corresponding to a bill when the offset request is in the Processed or Unapplied Offset status.

You can filter the list using various search criteria (such as, Bill Balance, Bill ID, and Account ID) available in the Filter area. By default, the Filter area is hidden. You can view the Filter area by clicking the Filters (The Filters Icon) icon in the upper right corner of this zone.

You can change the layout of this zone. For more information on how to change the layout, see Changing the Layout.

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