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Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Reference Manual     Sun QFS and Sun Storage Archive Manager 5.3 Information Library
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1.  User Commands (Man Pages Section 1)

2.  Maintenance Commands (Man Pages Section 1M)




























































































































3.  Library Functions (Man Pages Section 3)

4.  Library Functions (Man Pages Section 3X)

5.  File Formats (Man Pages Section 4)

6.  Standards, Environment, and Macros (Man Pages Section 5)

7.  Device and Network Interfaces (Man Pages Section 7)


     mount_samfs - Mounts a Sun QFS or SAM-QFS file system

     mount -F samfs [generic_options]
     [-o FSType_specific_options] special |  mount_point

     mount -F samfs [generic_options]
     [-o FSType_specific_options] special mount_point


     The mount command attaches a file system to the file system
     hierarchy at the specified mount_point, which is the path
     name of a directory.  This man page describes how to mount a
     Sun QFS or SAM-QFS file system, and it explains the unique
     options that can be used when mounting these file systems.

     If the first form of the command is used, which specifies
     either a special or a mount_point but not both, the mount
     command searches the /etc/vfstab file and fills in missing
     arguments, including the FSType_specific_options.  The
     mount(1M) command also searches the
     /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd file for mount options.

     For more information on the mount(1M) command, see the
     mount(1M) man page.  For more information on the
     /etc/opt/SUNWsamfs/samfs.cmd file, see the samfs.cmd(4) man

     -F samfs  Specifies that the file system being mounted is of
               type samfs.  This is a required option if you are
               mounting a Sun QFS or a SAM-QFS file system.
               These file systems are all type samfs.

               One or more generic Solaris file system options.
               For a list of possible generic_options, see the
               mount(1M) man page.

     -o FSType_specific_options
               A list of mount options specific to file systems
               of type samfs.  If specifying multiple options,
               separate each option with a comma and no
               intervening spaces.  For the list of possible
               -o FSType_specific_options, see one or more of the
               following headings on this man page:

               o  Miscellaneous Tuning Options

               o  I/O Options

               o  Storage and Archive Management Options

               o  Shared File System Options

               o  Multireader File System Options

               o  Sun QFS and SAM-QFS Options

               If no FSType_specific_options are specified, the
               the file system is mounted as a read/write file

               If invalid options are specified, a warning
               message is generated and the invalid options are

               NOTE: If running the Sun QFS software on a Linux
               client, the available mount options are very
               limited. The following mount options are the ONLY
               ones available on a Linux client system: rw, ro,
               retry, shared, rdlease, wrlease, aplease,
               minallocsz, maxallocsz, min_pool, meta_timeo,
               noauto, and auto.

               The noauto and auto options are only recognized
               within the /etc/fstab file and min_pool only in
               the samfs.cmd file.  The maximum value for
               meta_timeo is 60.

     special   The Family Set Name from the Sun QFS
                or SAM-QFS master configuration file (mcf).  For
               more information on this file, see the mcf(4) man

               The path name or directory at which the file
               system is to be mounted.  If the mount_point has
               any contents prior to the mount operation, these
               are hidden until the file system is unmounted.

     The following options can be used when mounting a Sun QFS or
     SAM-QFS file system.  These options can affect file system
     features and system performance.

     nosam |  sam
               The nosam option mounts a SAM-QFS file system, but
               only the file system functionality is enabled.
               The archiving, releasing, and staging
               functionality is disabled.  When a file system is

               mounted with this option, the file system returns
               ENOSPC when it reaches 100% capacity.

               Note that mounting a file system with the nosam
               option offers no data protection for newly created
               files or for previously archived files that have
               been modified.  The default is sam.

     noarscan |  arscan
               The noarscan option disables file system scans,
               typically performed by the sam-arfind daemon, for
               finding archive candidates on a mounted file
               system.  This mount option can be useful for file
               systems in which new files are no longer being
               created yet staging and releasing are still
               desired.  The default is arscan.

     nosuid    Mounts the file system with setuid execution
               disallowed.  By default, the file system mounts
               with setuid execution allowed.

     nogfsid |  gfsid
               The nogfsid option disables the setting of a
               global file system id, and uses the historical
               setting of the root slice device type paired with
               the file system type.  The gfsid option enables
               the setting of a global file system id, and uses
               the file system id that is stored in the
               superblock, which consists of the file system
               creation time paired with the hostid.  The default
               is gfsid.

     nocdevid |  cdevid
               The nocdevid option disables the setting of a
               global file system device id, and uses the
               historical setting of the root slice device type.
               The cdevid option enables the setting of a global
               file system device id that consists of the samioc
               module major number paired with the file system
               equipment number as specified in the mcf(4) file.
               The default is cdevid.

     notrace |  trace
               The notrace option disables file system tracing.
               The trace option enables file system tracing.  The
               default is trace.

     noquota |  quota
               The noquota option disables file system quotas.
               The quota option enables file system quotas,
               provided that at least one file system quota file
               is present.  The default is quota.  For more

               information on quotas, see the Sun QFS File System
               Configuration and Administration

               Specifies whether or not the metadata is written
               to the disk every time it changes, as follows:

               o  If sync_meta=0, metadata is held in a buffer
                  before being written to disk.  This delayed
                  write delivers higher performance.  This is the
                  default for Sun QFS and SAM-QFS file systems
                  that are not mounted as multireader file
                  systems or as Sun QFS shared file systems.

               o  If sync_meta=1, metadata is written  to disk
                  every time it changes.  This slows performance,
                  but it ensures data consistency.  This is the
                  default for Sun QFS file systems that are
                  mounted as multireader file systems or as Sun
                  QFS shared file systems.  In a Sun QFS shared
                  file system, this is the setting that must be
                  in effect if failover capability is required.

               The worm_capable option allows Write Once Read
               Many (WORM) files to be stored in SAM-QFS
               filesystems.  Enabling this feature allows the
               WORM flag to be set on files and directories. Once
               the WORM flag is set, a file's data and path are
               immutable and the file can not be deleted until
               its retention period expires.  In addition, the
               volume on which the WORM file resides can not be
               deleted using sammkfs.

     worm_lite The worm_lite option is similar to the
               worm_capable mount option but eases the
               restrictions regarding actions that can be taken
               on WORM-enabled volumes and retained files.  WORM
               lite enabled volumes can be deleted using sammkfs.
               Retained files can be removed before their
               retention period expires and their retention
               period can be shortened (must have root
               privileges).  File data and path remain immutable.

     worm_emul The worm_emul option is similar to the
               worm_capable mount option and enables WORM
               "Emulation mode".  The difference with this option
               is the trigger used to retain files is the
               transition from a writable to read-only file.
               File data and path are immutable after appying the
               WORM trigger.  A file retained in this mode can

               not be deleted until it's retention period
               expires.  Volumes containing WORM emulation mode
               files can not be deleted using sammkfs.

     emul_lite The emul_lite option is similar to the
               worm_capable mount option and enables WORM
               "Emulation Lite mode".  The trigger to retain
               files is the transition from a writable to read-
               only file.  Retained files can be removed before
               their retention period expires and their retention
               period can be shortened (must have root
               privileges).  Data and path changes to a file are
               immutable after applying the trigger.  Emulation
               lite enabled volumes can be deleted using sammkfs.

               The def_retention option sets the default
               retention period.  This option requires a WORM
               mount option enabled.  This option sets the
               default retention period for files which have the
               WORM feature enabled with no supplied retention
               period.  The retention period can take three
               forms.  A value of permanent (or 0)specifies
               permanent retention.  A value of the form MyNdOhPm
               where M, N, O, P are arbitrary non-negative
               integers; y, d, h, m specify the number of years,
               days, hours, and minute(s) respectively.  Note
               that combinations of this form are allowed, and
               specifiers may be omitted, e.g., 5y, 3d1h, 4m.
               The final form is a simple integer value in
               minutes for n, an integer 1 < n < 2147483647 (231
               - 1).  If this option is not supplied, a 30 day
               (43,200 minute) default retention period is used.

               rd_ino_buf_size sets the size of buffer to n. This
               is the buffer which is used to read the .inodes
               file into buffer cache.  For n, specify an integer
               such that 1024 < n < 16384.  n is in units of
               bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2.
               The default is 16384 bytes.

               wr_ino_buf_size sets the size of the buffer to n.
               This is the buffer which is used to synchronously
               write an inode through to the disk.  For n,
               specify an integer such that 512 < n <
               rd_ino_buf_size.  n is in units of bytes and
               rounded down to the nearest power of 2.  The
               default is 512 bytes.

     The following options are available for Sun QFS and SAM-QFS
     file systems.  Also see the mcf(4) man page.

     stripe=n  Sets the stripe width for the block-based file
               system to n disk allocation units (DAUs).  The
               stripe width means that n * DAU bytes are written
               to one data device logical equipment number (LUN)
               before switching to the next LUN.  The DAU size is
               set on the sammkfs(1M) command's -a option when
               the file system is initialized.  For n, specify an
               integer such that 0 < n < 255.  If n=0, files are
               round robined on each slice.

               The default n on file systems with an ms Equipment
               Type and on file systems with an ma Equipment Type
               with no striped group (gx) components is as

               o  128 kilobytes/DAU for DAUs < 128 kilobytes

               o  1 for DAUs > 128 kilobytes

               By default, n=0 on a Sun QFS shared file system.
               By default, n=0 on file systems with an ma
               Equipment Type with any striped group (gXXX)

               NOTE:  The system sets stripe=0 if mismatched
               striped groups exist.

     The following options are available for Sun QFS and SAM-QFS
     file systems.  They allow changing the type of I/O for a
     file based on I/O size and history.  Note that if direct I/O
     is specified for a file, these options are ignored and all
     I/O to regular files is direct, if possible.  Well-aligned
     I/O occurs when the file offset falls on a 512-byte boundary
     and when the length of the I/O transfer is at least 512

               Sets the number of consecutive I/O transfers with
               a buffer size greater than the specified lower
               limit (which is dio_rd_form_min for aligned reads
               or dio_rd_ill_min for misaligned reads) to n
               operations.  By default, n=0, which means that no
               default direct reads occur based on I/O sizes.
               Also, by default, dio_rd_form_min and
               dio_rd_ill_min are ignored.


               Sets the read well-aligned lower limit to n 1024-
               byte blocks.  By default, n=256, 1024-byte blocks.
               If n=0, automatic I/O type switching for well-
               aligned reads is disabled.

               Sets the read misaligned lower limit to n 1024-
               byte blocks.  By default, n=0, which disables
               automatic I/O type switching for misaligned reads.

               Sets the number of consecutive I/O transfers with
               a buffer size above the specified lower limit
               (which is dio_wr_form_min for aligned writes or
               dio_wr_ill_min for misaligned writes) to n
               operations.  By default, n=0, which means that no
               default direct writes occur based on I/O sizes.
               Also, by default, dio_wr_form_min and
               dio_wr_ill_min are ignored.

               Sets the write well-aligned lower limit to n
               1024-byte blocks.  By default, n=256 1024-byte
               blocks.  Setting n=0 disables automatic I/O type
               switching for well-aligned writes.

               Sets the write misaligned lower limit to n 1024-
               byte blocks.  By default, n=0, which disables
               automatic I/O type switching for misaligned

     atime= -1 |  0 | 1
               The file system is mounted by default with cached
               access time recording (atime = 0). This means
               access time updates to disk are deferred for up to
               1 minute after the file is last accesssed.  Note,
               the file access time is immediately updated on
               disk if SAM is enabled and the space used is above
               the low water mark or when the access time
               coincides with updates to the ctime or mtime.  See
               stat(2). The access time is also updated when the
               the file system is unmounted.  If atime = 1, the
               file system will always update access time on
               disk.  If atime = -1, the file system will not
               update access time except when it coincides with
               updates to the ctime or mtime.  See stat(2).  The
               atime = -1 option reduces disk activity on file
               systems where access times are unimportant (for
               example, a Usenet news spool).  Note, atime = -1,
               should not be set when SAM is enabled.

               The POSIX standard requires that access times be
               marked on files.  Note, for atime = 0 (the
               default), the current access time may not be
               updated on disk in case of an interruption.

     noatime   The noatime is added to be compatible with other
               file systems.  If noatime is specified, atime = -1
               will be set. This means the file system will not
               update access time except when it coincides with
               updates to the ctime or mtime.  See stat(2).
               Note, noatime, should not be set when SAM is

               Specifies direct I/O as the default I/O mode.
               This means that data is transferred directly
               between the user's buffer and disk.  The
               forcedirectio option should be specified only if
               the file system is used for large block aligned
               sequential I/O.  For more information, see the
               directio(3C), setfa(1), sam_setfa(3), and
               sam_advise(3) man pages.  The default I/O mode is
               buffered (uses the page cache).

     nodio_szero |  dio_szero
               The dio_szero option causes uninitialized areas of
               sparse files written with direct I/O to be zeroed
               when the area is accessed.  This makes the sparse
               file behavior the same as that for paged I/O.  By
               default, sparse files written by direct I/O do not
               have the uninitialized areas zeroed for
               performance reasons.  The default is nodio_szero.

               Causes the file system to cache nfs data written
               to the server even if nfs has requested that the
               data be written synchronously through to disk.
               The force_nfs_async option is only useful if the
               file system is mounted as a nfs server and the
               clients have set the nfs mount option noac.  The
               default nfs noac behavior without force_nfs_async
               causes data to be synchronously written through to
               disk. Caution, the force_nfs_async option violates
               the nfs protocol and should be used with care.
               Data may be lost in the event of a server
               interruption.  Also, data is cached on the server
               and will not be immediately seen by all the
               clients if there are multiple nfs servers.
               Multiple nfs servers can be enabled with Shared

     sw_raid   Causes the file system to align the writebehind

               buffer.  This option should be set if the software
               raid feature of packages such as Solstice
               DiskSuite is being used on this file system.  This
               option is off by default.

               Sets the maximum readahead value to n.  The
               readahead option specifies the maximum number of
               bytes that can be read ahead by the file system.
               n is in units of kilobytes and must be a multiple
               of 8.  For n, specify an integer such that 0 < n <
               16777216.  The default is 1024 (1,048,576 bytes).

               Sets the maximum writebehind value to n.  The
               writebehind option specifies the maximum number of
               bytes that can be written behind by the file
               system.  n is in units of kilobytes and must be a
               multiple of 8.  For n, specify an integer such
               that 8 < n < 16777216.  The default is 512
               (524,288 bytes).

               Sets the maximum flush_behind value to n.  When
               enabled, modified pages that are being written
               sequentially are written to disk asynchronously to
               help the Solaris VM layer keep the pages clean.
               This option sets the maximum flush_behind value to
               n.  n is in units of kilobytes.  For n, specify an
               integer such that 0 < n < 8192.  The default is 0,
               which disables flush behind.

               Sets the maximum number of outstanding write bytes
               for one filesystem to n kilobytes.  If n = 0,
               there is no limit.

               The default is 5% of system memory. Using the 5%
               formula, and given the memory size on the left,
               the wr_throttle setting is on the right:
                      1 GB     51 MB
                      4 GB    205 MB
                     16 GB    819 MB
                     64 GB    3.2 GB

     qwrite    Enables simultaneous reads and writes to the same
               file from different threads.  Specify this option
               only if users of the file system handle multiple
               simultaneous transactions to the same file.  For
               example, this is useful for database applications.
               This option improves I/O performance by queuing
               multiple requests at the drive level.

               By default, qwrite is not enabled, and the file
               system disables simultaneous reads and writes to
               the same file.  This is the mode defined by the
               UNIX vnode interface standard that gives exclusive
               access to only one writer and forces other writers
               and readers to wait.

               The qwrite option is disabled for NFS reads or
               writes of the file system.

     noabr |  abr
               For Oracle RAC with SAM-QFS AIO only.  Disable
               (enable) Application Based Recovery of software
               mirrors.  Applies only to SAM-QFS filesystems
               built on Solaris Volume Manager mirrored volumes
               that likewise support Application Based Recovery.
               Default is enabled.

     nodmr |  dmr
               For Oracle RAC with SAM-QFS AIO only.  Disable
               (enable) Directed Mirror Reads of software
               mirrors.  Applies only to SAM-QFS filesystems
               built on Solaris Volume Manager mirrored volumes
               that likewise support directed mirror reads.
               Default is enabled.

     The following options can be used when mounting a SAM-QFS
     file system.  These options pertain to the storage and
     archive management facilities of these file systems.

     nosam_db |  sam_db
               The nosam_db option indicates there is no
               associated database with this file system.  The
               sam_db option indicates there is an associated
               database with this file system and file system
               activity logging is enabled. The sam-fsd daemon
               starts sam-fsalogd who logs file system activity.
               For more information, see the fsalogd.cmd(4) man
               page.  The default is nosam_db.

     high=n    Sets the high-water mark for disk cache
               utilization to n percent.  When the amount of
               space used on the disk cache reaches n percent,
               the SAM-QFS file systems start the releaser
               process.  For more information, see the sam-
               releaser(1M) man page. If n is set to 100,
               releaser is not started and ENOSPC is returned.
               The default is 80.

     low=n     Sets the low-water mark for disk cache utilization
               to n percent.  When the amount of space used on

               the disk cache reaches n percent, the SAM-QFS file
               system starts the releaser process, which stops
               releasing disk space.  The default is 70.

     partial=n Sets the default partial release size for the file
               system to n kilobytes.  The partial release size
               is used to determine how many bytes at the
               beginning of a file marked for partial release
               should be retained on disk cache when the file is
               released.  The user can override the default on a
               file-by-file basis by specifying a size when
               marking a file for partial release.  For more
               information, see the release(1) man page.

               For n, specify an integer from 8 to whatever has
               been set for the maxpartial option.  For more
               information on maxpartial, see the maxpartial
               option in this list.  The default is 16.

               Sets the maximum partial release size for the file
               system to n kilobytes.  The partial release size
               cannot be set larger than this maxpartial setting.
               For n, specify an integer such that 0 < n <
               2097152.  The default is 16.

               Sets the partial stage size for the file system to
               n kilobytes.  For a partial release file, this
               value specifies the offset in the file past which
               access results in the entire file being staged to
               disk.  For n, specify a integer from 0 to whatever
               has been set for the maxpartial option.  The
               default is equal to whatever has been set for the
               partial option.

               Sets the stage -n buffer size for the file system
               to n kilobytes.  This option applies to files that
               are read directly from the archive media.  This
               attribute is set by using the stage(1) command's
               -n option.  For a file with this attribute, this
               is the size that is staged in to the application's
               buffer at any one time.  For n, specify an integer
               such that 64 < n < 2097152.  The default is 8192.
               If the total number of outstanding stage_n buffers
               is less than physical memory, the access is not
               NFS, and the stage_n_window is less than 1%
               physical memory, then the buffer is allocated in
               pageable memory. Otherwise, blocks are allocated
               for the buffer from the file system.  Note, the
               SAM-QFS shared file system does not support stage

               -n from a client.

               Sets the maximum stage flush behind value to n
               kilobytes.  Stage pages that are being staged are
               written to disk asynchronously to help the Solaris
               VM layer keep pages clean.  For n, specify an
               integer such that 0 < n < 8192.  The default is 0,
               which means that stage flush behind is disabled.

               Invokes the archiver when the amount of data in
               the file system increases above the high-water

     The following options are supported for Sun QFS and SAM-QFS
     shared file systems.

     Both file system equipment types ms and ma are supported.
     For a description of the ma and ms file systems, see the
     mcf(4) man page.  For a description of the Sun QFS shared
     file system, see the Sun QFS Configuration and
     Administration Guide.

     The stripe width is set by default to round robin (using the
     stripe=0 mount option).

     shared    Specifies that the file system being mounted is a
               Sun QFS shared file system.  The shared option
               must be specified in the /etc/vfstab file because
               it is used in the boot initialization sequence.

     bg        Specifies that if the first mount attempt fails,
               the system should retry the mount in the
               background.  If bg is not specified, the mount
               continues in the foreground.

     retry=n   Specifies the number of times to retry the mount
               operation.  For n, specify an integer such that 0
               < n < 20000.  By default, n=10000.

               Sets the minimum block allocation value for the
               Sun QFS shared file system to n.  Specify n in
               units of kilobytes and as a multiple of 8
               kilobytes.  The minallocsz option specifies the
               minimum number of bytes that are allocated ahead
               of a write for a Sun QFS shared file system.  For
               n, specify an integer such that 16 < n < 2097152.
               By default, n=8 * allocation_unit (DAU).  See
               sammkfs(1M) command's -a option.

               Sets the maximum block allocation value for the
               Sun QFS shared file system to n.  Specify n in
               units of kilobytes and as a multiple of 8
               kilobytes.  The maxallocsz option specifies the
               maximum number of bytes that are allocated ahead
               of a write for a Sun QFS shared file system.  For
               n, specify an integer such that 16 < n < 4194304.
               By default, n=128 * allocation_unit (DAU).  See
               sammkfs(1M) command's -a option.

     rdlease=n Sets the read lease time for the Sun QFS shared
               file system to n seconds.  The rdlease option
               specifies the maximum number of seconds that a
               file can be read before reacquiring the read
               lease.  For n, specify an integer such that 15 < n
               < 600.  By default, n=30.

     wrlease=n Sets the write lease time for the Sun QFS shared
               file system to n seconds.  Only one host can write
               to a file at any one time unless the mh_write
               option is set on the metadata server.  If the
               mh_write option is set on the metadata server,
               multiple hosts can write to and read from the same
               file at the same time.  If multiple hosts are
               writing, the last write is the one that is
               effective.  The wrlease option specifies the
               maximum number of seconds that a file can be
               written before reacquiring the write lease.  For
               n, specify an integer such that 15 < n < 600.  By
               default, n=30.

     aplease=n Sets the append lease time for the Sun QFS shared
               file system to n seconds.  Only one host can
               append to a file at any one time.  The aplease
               option specifies the maximum number of seconds
               that one host can append to a file before
               reacquiring the append lease.  For n, specify an
               integer such that 15 < n < 600.  By default, n=30.

     mh_write  Enables simultaneous reads and writes to the same
               file from multiple hosts.  If mh_write is used,
               the Sun QFS shared file system switches all hosts
               into directio. The application must use page
               aligned memory buffers and well formed sector I/O
               (512 bytes).  Caution, if the application does not
               adhere to these alignment rules, data correctness
               is not guaranteed.

               This option is effective only on the metadata
               server host.  If this option is specified when
               mounting the file system on a client host, it is

               ignored.  If the client host becomes the metadata
               server in the future, however, this option becomes
               effective.  For this reason, it is recommended to
               use this mount option on the metadata host and all
               potential metadata server hosts.  If the mh_write
               option is not specified on the metadata server,
               only one host can write at any one time to a
               single file.

               Sets the minimum number of shared file system
               threads to keep around.  The number of threads
               grows and shrinks dynamically based on load.  This
               parameter tells the system to keep at least that
               many threads in the active pool.  For n, specify
               an integer such that 8 < n < 2048.  The default
               n=64.  For Linux the default n=8.  NOTE:  The
               min_pool parameter must be set in samfs.cmd file.
               It is ignored if set in the /etc/vfstab file or on
               the mount(1M) command.

               * No longer used. *

               Allow attributes and directory data to be cached
               by a host system for up to n seconds before
               checking for consistency with the metadata server.
               The default n=3.

               Example 1.  With the default setting of
               meta_timeo=3, the file system verifies attribute
               and directory consistency with the metadata server
               at least every 3 seconds.  For instance, a new
               file created on one host may not be seen by an
               ls(1) command on another host for up to 3 seconds.

               Example 2.  If meta_timeo=0, the file system
               verifies attribute and directory consistency with
               the metadata server before each use.  The cattr
               mount option can be used with meta_timeo=0 to
               ensure that changes made by other hosts currently
               modifying a file are also immediately visible.

               Example 3.  If meta_timeo=3, with the nocattr
               mount option (default), the file system verifies
               attribute consistency if it has not been checked
               in the past 3 seconds; however, attribute changes
               made by a client host which is currently modifying
               a file may not be detected until the client lease

               time has expired.

               Example 4.  If meta_timeo=3, with the cattr mount
               option, the file system verifies attribute
               consistency if it has not been checked in the past
               3 seconds, and also ensures that attribute changes
               made by other hosts are detected within that time

     cattr |  nocattr
               Enable (disable) attribute consistency checking.
               If cattr is set, the file system ensures that
               attribute changes made by a host which is
               modifying a file are visible to other hosts within
               the meta_timeo interval.  (Directories are not
               affected by cattr; directory modifications are
               always visible within the time interval set by

               With the default setting of nocattr, attribute
               changes made by a host (in particular, file size
               and modification time) may not be visible to other
               hosts until the write or append lease time has

               Note that enabling cattr may adversely affect
               performance, as additional network traffic is

               The read, write, and/or append lease for a single
               file is relinquished if it is not being used after
               n seconds.  lease_timeo varies from -1 to 15
               seconds.  If lease_timeo is >=0, the lease is
               relinquished if it is not being used after n
               seconds.  If lease_timeo is set to -1, the lease
               is not relinquished and the lease expires based on
               the lease time.  Note, the read and write lease is
               not relinquished if mh_write is set because
               multiple reader/writer hosts are enabled.  The
               default n is 0.

     The following options support the single-writer, multireader
     file system.  This file system is mounted on one host system
     as a single-writer file system that updates the file system.
     In addition, this file system can be mounted on one or more
     host systems as a multireader file system.

     These options can be specified only on Sun QFS file systems.
     The writer option cannot be used if you are mounting the

     file system as a Sun QFS shared file system, however, the
     reader option is supported. Note, sync_meta should be set to
     1 if the reader option is used in a Sun QFS shared file

     A major difference between the multireader file system and
     Sun QFS shared file system is that the multireader host
     reads metadata from the disk, and the client hosts of a Sun
     QFS shared file system read metadata over the network.

     The system administrator must ensure that only one host in a
     multireader file system has the file system mounted with the
     writer mount option enabled.

     writer    Sets the file system to type writer.  There can be
               only one host system that has the file system
               mounted with the writer option at any one time.
               If writer is specified, files are flushed to disk
               at close and directories are always written
               through to disk.  The option atime = 1 is set for

               Prior to the 4.0 release, the writer option was
               specified as the shared_writer option.  The older
               syntax is supported for backward compatibility.

     reader    Sets the file system to type reader.  This mounts
               the file system as read only.  There is no limit
               to the number of host systems that can have the
               same file system mounted with the reader option.
               By default, each lookup checks the inode and
               refreshes the inode pages if the inode has been
               modified by the writer host.  If the invalid
               option is set to a value greater than 0, the inode
               is checked for modification only after it has aged
               invalid seconds after the last check; for more
               information, see the invalid option.

               Prior to the 4.0 release, the reader option was
               specified as the shared_reader option.  The older
               syntax is supported for backward compatibility.

     invalid=n When specified in conjunction with the reader
               option, holds cached attributes for the
               multireader file system at least n seconds after
               file modification.  Caution, it is possible to
               read stale data if invalid is set to a nonzero
               value.  For n, specify an integer such that
               0 < n < 60.  By default, n=0.

               Example 1.  If invalid=0, which is the default,
               the file system always checks to see if the inode

               is stale.  That is, it checks to see if the inode
               has been changed by the writer host.

               Example 2.  If invalid=30, the file system checks
               the inode 30 seconds after the last check. This
               means that if you issue an ls(1) command, you
               might not see a new file for 30 seconds after it
               has been created on the writer host.  This also
               means that if you open an existing file, for
               example with the cat(1) command, you might not see
               any changes made to the file on the writer host in
               the past 30 seconds.

               When specified in conjunction with the reader
               option, the current file size is refreshed when
               the read buffer exceeds the end of file.

     The following options are supported only for Sun QFS and
     SAM-QFS file systems on ma Equipment Type file systems.  For
     more information on the ma file system Equipment Type, see
     the mcf(4) man page.

               Sets the metadata stripe width for the file system
               to n 16-kilobyte disk allocation units (DAUs).  By
               default, mm_stripe=1, which writes one DAU of
               metadata to one LUN before switching to another
               LUN.  If mm_stripe=0, the metadata is round
               robined across all available metadata LUNs.

     /etc/mnttab         Table of mounted file systems.

     /etc/vfstab         List of default parameters for each file

                         List of default and global parameters
                         for SAM-QFS file systems.  For more
                         information, see the samfs.cmd(4) man

     release(1), setfa(1), ssum(1).

     mount(1M), mountall(1M), sam-fsalogd(1M), sam-releaser(1M),
     sammkfs(1M), umount_samfs(1M).


     sam_setfa(3), sam_advise(3), directio(3C).

     mcf(4), mnttab(4), samfs.cmd(4), vfstab(4).

     If the directory upon which a file system is to be mounted
     is a symbolic link, the file system is mounted on the
     directory to which the symbolic link refers, rather than on
     top of the symbolic link itself.

     The mount parameters can be provided in the samfs.cmd file,
     in the /etc/vfstab file, and on the mount(1M) command.
     Specifications in the /etc/vfstab file override the
     directives in the samfs.cmd file, and options to the
     mount(1M) command override specifications in the /etc/vfstab