Topics are imported using the /atg/searchadmin/repository/service/TopicService component. Migrated Topic Sets and Term Dictionaries are associated with the ATG Service search project.

Additional flags allow for migration from specific sources. There are four settings for topics, which all default to true)

Note: Migrated topic trees must be manually associated with the ATG Service search project using Search Admin.

The following properties of EServerMigrationService are used to control the creation of topics:




When creating topics from reused statements, this setting controls the minimum number of solutions a statement must appear in to be included as a topic. The default is 5.


Defines the names of the eServer statement role types that should be included in the topic migration for statement reuse and environment statement topic migrations. Default is fact.


Defines the enumerated list solution properties for which to build topics. Only used if enableMigrateTopicsFromListProperties is true. If importTopicListProperties is null or empty and enableMigrateTopicsFromListProperties is true, then all eServer search-weighted properties are used to build the topic set.


Name of the topic set into which to import the topics. The default is eServerTopics. importTopicSetName will create a new topic set if one does not exist.

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