This guide covers ATG Campaign Optimizer concepts and tasks for business users and system administrators. It is divided into the following parts:

Overview of ATG Campaign Optimizer
This chapter includes an overview of the ATG Campaign Optimizer.

Getting Started
This chapter includes instructions for installation, database configuration, product requirements, and start up.

Using ATG Campaign Optimizer
This chapter includes detailed instructions for business users. It describes how to use the ATG Campaign Optimizer UI to create and run tests.

Configuring ATG Campaign Optimizer
This chapter includes detailed instructions for system administrators. It describes how to configure and customize the ATG Campaign Optimizer.

Customizing Metrics for ATG Campaign Optimizer Tests
This chapter includes instructions for programmers. It describes how to create custom metrics for your tests.

Appendix A, ATG Campaign Optimizer Scenario Elements
This appendix describes the scenario elements provided by ATG Campaign Optimizer.

Appendix B, ATG Campaign Optimizer Database Tables
This appendix provides reference information about the ATG Campaign Optimizer database schema.

If you are upgrading to ATG Campaign Optimizer 2007.3 from version 2004.1 or 2004.2, see the Upgrade and Migration Guide for ATG Campaign Optimizer for information about updating your database schema.

Note: Many ATG Campaign Optimizer features use the term “ABTest.” ABTest is another term for the ATG Campaign Optimizer.

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