The preview feature allows test creators to see the site as it will look to a specific test group while the test is running. To preview tests, use an instance of ATG Campaign Optimizer that is also a scenario editor server, and make sure that the runtime and management modules are running. For information on running ATG Campaign Optimizer, see Running ATG Campaign Optimizer.

When a preview is started, there is a delay before the preview is ready to be viewed. This delay can be up to one minute. When a user clicks on Start Preview, a page displays that counts down the time before it will redirect to the preview URL. If you were to view the preview URL immediately, you’d see non-test data (the regular site), so the countdown page provides a transition while test data is being loaded.

By default, the preview countdown page will display for 60 seconds. You can change this time by editing the Configuration component in the /atg/abtest/web/ directory. Change the numberPreviewTimerSeconds property to the number of seconds you want the page to count down.

Note: The preview delay is caused by a polling cycle in Patch Bay.

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