Assemble an application that contains an instance of your ATG product modules, as well as the module that includes the Web application for your site. The ATG platform provides an assembly tool that you can use to create the EAR file for your application. You can find detailed information about this tool in the ATG Programming Guide.

To assemble a J2EE application that includes ATG Campaign Optimizer, you execute a command in this format:

<ATG2007.3dir>/home/bin/runAssembler [optionsoutput-file-name
–m module-list

Be sure to specify all ATG Campaign Optimizer modules or submodules that you want to work with, plus the application module that includes the Web application you are testing, plus any other ATG modules required. For example, to assemble an application in development mode that includes ATG Campaign Optimizer, the command might be:

<ATG2007.3dir>/home/bin/runAssembler MyApp.ear –m ABTest MyApp

where MyApp is your application module, and ABTest, and the modules started by it, are the modules you want to include in your EAR file. As noted earlier, the ABTest module starts up the three submodules (management, runtime, and reporting) as well as CAF and DSS. All of these modules and submodules would be included in your application.

To assemble an application that includes only one ATG Campaign Optimizer submodule, such as the management module, use this command:

<ATG2007.3dir>/home/bin/runAssembler MyApp.ear –m MyApp

Remember that you can start only the modules that are included in your J2EE application, so if you designate only one submodule during assembly, you won’t be able to start other submodules without assembling a new EAR file.

If you are using ATG Campaign Optimizer for Commerce, be sure to include the appropriate Commerce module in the assembled application. For example:

<ATG2007.3dir>/home/bin/runAssembler MyApp.ear –m B2CCommerce
DCS-ABTest MyApp

For information on how to deploy your J2EE application, see the documentation from your application server vendor.

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