You can create your own custom registries and configure any of the individual tree browsers in the ATG Campaign Optimizer UI to use a custom registry instead of the default registries. The /atg/abtest/web/registry/AssetRegistryManager Nucleus component allows you to configure registries for ATG Campaign Optimizer. This component has a registries Map property, which contains one entry for each individual tree browser. It also has an assetRepository property, which is the Nucleus path of a repository (/atg/assetregistry/AssetRegistry by default) that contains the custom registry definitions.

You create custom registries by adding items to the AssetRegistry repository. There are two ways to do this:

For creating a large custom registry, using SQL commands is generally preferable because it allows you to populate the database tables more quickly. For modifying an existing registry, or for creating a small custom registry, the Registry Administration UI provides an easy-to-use, structured environment that simplifies the task.

After you create your custom registries, you can then modify entries in the registries Map property of the AssetRegistryManager to point to them.

AssetRegistry Repository Structure

Each custom registry is defined using a repository item of type registry. Folders within a registry are defined using items of type folder. Assets are defined using items of type repositoryAsset or pathBasedAsset, depending on whether the assets refer to repository items such as promotions, or path-based entities such as Web pages or slots.

A registry should have a single root folder. Each folder can contain any number of assets and subfolders. All of the assets in a registry should be defined using the same item type.

To see the mapping between items in the AssetRegistry repository and tables in the database, refer to the GSA template definition for the repository using the ATG Dynamo Administration interface.

AssetRegistryManager Configuration

The following two tables show the mapping between each entry in the registries property of the AssetRegistryManager component and the tree browser the entry controls in the ATG Campaign Optimizer UI. All ATG Campaign Optimizer sites use the entries shown in the first table.

Registry Entry Key

ATG Campaign Optimizer Page using Tree Browser


The Participants tab on the main page for editing a test.


The Select Slot step of the wizard for creating Repository Item test elements.


The Replace Page step of the wizard for creating Page test elements.


The Select New Page step of the wizard for creating Page test elements.


The Replace Page Fragment step of the wizard for creating Page Fragment test elements.


The Select New Page Fragment step of the wizard for creating Page Fragment test elements.


The Select Substitution Location step of the wizard for creating Page Fragment test elements.

In addition to the entries in the table above, ATG Campaign Optimizer for Commerce sites also use the entries shown in the table below.

Registry Entry Key

ATG Campaign Optimizer Page using Tree Browser


The Replace Template step of the wizard for creating Category Template test elements.


The Select New Category Template step of the wizard for creating Category Template test elements.


The Replace Template step of the wizard for creating Product Template test elements.


The Select New Product Template step of the wizard for creating Product Template test elements.


The Select Catalog step of the wizards for creating Category and Product Template test elements.


The Select Promotion step of the wizard for creating Promotion test elements.


The Select Promotion Trigger step of the wizard for creating Promotion test elements.

Specifying a Custom Registry

To use a custom registry for any of the tree browsers listed above, change the value of the entry for that browser in the registries Map property of the /atg/abtest/web/registry/AssetRegistryManager component. Set the entry to a string of the form repository:<registry name>. The <registry name> corresponds to the name property of the repository item that represents the custom registry.

For example, if you have created a registry repository item whose name property is My Promotions, and you want to display its folders and assets on the Select Promotion wizard page, change the promotions entry in the registries property in the AssetRegistryManager component from:



promotions=repository:My Promotions

The following table lists the custom registry types you can create, and the registry entries you can set to each type of registry.

Custom Registry Type

Registry Entry Keys

Example Value



repository:My Profile Groups



repository:My Slots



repository:My Pages

In addition, ATG Campaign Optimizer for Commerce customers can use the custom registry types and registry entries listed in the following table.

Custom Registry Type

Registry Entry Keys

Example Value



repository:My Category Templates



repository:My Product Templates



repository:My Catalogs



repository:My Promotions



repository:My Promotion Triggers