The following elements are the core scenario elements provided by ATG Campaign Optimizer.

Event Elements



A/B Test Ended

This event occurs when the test ends, either on its end date or when manually stopped.

A/B Test Participant Unassigned

This event occurs when a user who was participating in a test without logging in then logs in as a user who is already part of the test. This event is used to avoid counting the user twice in the test results.

A/B Test is ready for deployment

This event occurs when a user clicks on Deploy in the ATG Campaign Optimizer UI.

An A/B Test that was previously considered ready for deployment is now not ready for deployment

This event occurs when you modify a test that you previously deployed.

Test Slot Item request

This event occurs whenever a scenario executes an Add Items to Slot action.

Page fragment request

This event occurs whenever a page or page fragment is requested.

A/B Test session ended

This event occurs whenever a test participant’s session ends.

Action Element



Record A/B Test Participant assigned to test group

Records the participant being tested to the log data.

Record A/B Test event

Records an event to the log data.

Track start of A/B test execution

Records that a particular A/B Test has started running on the server.

Add user to test group

Adds a profile marker that indicates the user is a member of a test group.

Add test items to slot

Adds items to a slot within a test.

Set event handled state to true

This action allows test scenarios to communicate with other parts of the system.

Kill preview

Stops the current preview and cleans up preview data.