Catalog assets that are not linked to any parent in the catalog hierarchy appear in a separate list at the top of the Catalogs list in the Browse panel:

You can view and work with uncategorized and unsited assets just as you do any other catalog asset: Open the list and double-click an asset to display its properties.

You cannot create new assets in the Uncategorized Items or Unsited Items list, and you cannot drag assets into it.

To move assets out of the Uncategorized Items or Unsited Items list, link them to a parent in the catalog hierarchy. See Linking and Unlinking Assets for more information.

Uncategorized Items

Uncategorized items are categories, products, or SKUs that are not linked to any parent in the catalog hierarchy, that is, they are not associated with any catalogs. Uncategorized items do not appear in the navigation for your Web site, and visitors cannot search for them unless your administrator specifically configures your site to allow uncategorized items to appear in search results.

A category, product, or SKU becomes uncategorized when one of the following happens:

Unsited Items

In a multisite environment, unsited items are catalog folders, catalogs, categories, products, or SKUs that have no site membership, that is, they are not associated with any of the environment’s registered sites. Unsited items do not appear in the navigation for your Web sites, and visitors cannot search for them unless your administrator specifically configures your sites to allow unsited items to appear in search results.

A catalog, category, product, or SKU becomes unsited when:

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