A Form Is Submitted scenario event, A Form is Submitted
action elements
Add Stage Reached, Add Stage Reached
Remove Stage(s) Reached, Remove Stage(s) Reached
Action scenario element, Using Action Elements in Scenarios
Action workflow element, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Add Items to Slot scenario action, Add Items to Slot
Add Marker To Profile scenario action, Add Marker To Profile
Add Stage Reached action element, Add Stage Reached
An Email Is Received scenario event, An Email is Received
At elements in scenarios, Using the At Element
At Priority option in slots, Slot Basics
ATG Control Center
main menu, ATG Control Center Basics
overview, ATG Control Center
security access, Security Access in the ATG Control Center
starting, Starting the ATG Control Center
stopping, Stopping the ATG Control Center


Between elements in scenarios, Using the Between Element
Browser condition, in content targeters, Setting Environment Conditions
Business Control Center, ATG Control Center
Business Process Stage Reached scenario event , Business Process Stage Reached
business process tracking
adding stages, Add Stage Reached
removing stages, Remove Stage(s) Reached


Change scenario action, Change
Change workflow action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Clicks a Link scenario event, Clicks a Link
cold call mailings (see targeted e-mail)
Commerce applications
documentation for, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation
components, creating, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation
condition elements
Has Reached Stage, Business Process Stage Conditions
Most Recent Stage Reached, Business Process Stage Conditions
Condition scenario element, Using Condition Elements in Scenarios
Condition workflow element, Using Condition Elements in Workflows
content groups
defining rules for, Setting Up Content Group Definitions
deleting, Deleting Content Groups
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Creating Content Groups
sample rules for, Content Group Definition Samples
content items
adding, Adding New Content Items to a Repository
deleting, Deleting Content Items
editing, Using the Content Repository Editor Window
editing properties, Editing Content Property Values, Filling in Properties with Multiple Values
matching to target audience (see content targeters)
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Setting Up Content Items
content properties (see content items)
content repository editor, Using the Content Repository Editor Window
content targeters
adding, Adding New Content Targeters
compared to scenarios, How Are Scenarios Different from Targeters?
creating macros for, Creating Reusable Business Rules (Rule Macros)
defining rules for, Setting Up Targeting Business Rules, Creating and Prioritizing Multiple Rule Sets
deleting, Deleting Content Targeters
deleting rules from, Deleting Business Rules
environment conditions, Setting Environment Conditions
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Matching Content with Your Target Audiences
sample rules for, Business Rule Samples
site performance, Setting Up Targeting Business Rules
sorting results, Sorting Targeting Results
using roles in, Adding a New Role, Defining Profile Group Members
using within slots, Using a Targeter to Define the Content of a Slot
Control Center (see ATG Control Center)
Core Platform, parts of, Parts of the Core Platform


dates, specifying in scenario conditions, Using the Today’s Condition, Specifying a Date or Time as a Condition
derived property values, Editing Profile Values
Disable Scenario scenario action, Disable Scenario
document paths, specifying in scenarios, Using Action Elements in Scenarios
Dynamo Application Framework, overview, Dynamo Application Framework
Dynamo path option in scenario elements, Using Action Elements in Scenarios
Dynamo Shuts Down scenario event, Dynamo Shuts Down
Dynamo Starts scenario event, Dynamo Starts
Dynamo User Directory, How Organizations and Roles Work


e-mail campaigns (see targeted e-mail)
elements in scenarios (see scenarios)
environment conditions, in content targeters, Setting Environment Conditions
event elements
Business Process Stage Reached, Business Process Stage Reached
Event scenario element, Using Event Elements in Scenarios


Fork elements in workflows, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Fork scenario element, Using Fork Elements in Scenarios
function property in organizational roles, Organizational Roles


global roles
description of, Global Roles
providing unique names for, Adding a New Role
Go To workflow element, Using Go To Elements in Workflows
GSA Repository Cache Invalidation Received scenario event, GSA Repository Cache Invalidation Received


Has Reached Stage condition element, Business Process Stage Conditions
help for the ATG Control Center, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation


inherited property values, Editing Profile Values
Is Referred by External Site scenario event, Is Referred by External Site
Items Requested scenario event, Items Requested


JPEGs, saving scenarios and workflows as, Printing Scenarios, Printing Workflows


Locale condition, in content targeters, Setting Environment Conditions
Logs In scenario event, Logs In
Logs Out scenario event, Logs Out


matching content items to the target audience
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site
with content targeters, Matching Content with Your Target Audiences
with scenarios, Matching Content with Your Target Audiences
message bean properties, referencing in targeted e-mail, Creating a Targeted E-Mail Message
Most Recent Stage Reached condition element, Business Process Stage Conditions


Nucleus components (see components, creating)


Page and Components menu option, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation
People and Organizations menu option, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation
People scenario element, Using People Elements in Scenarios
Person condition, in content targeters, Setting Environment Conditions
Personalization module, overview, Oracle Commerce Personalization Module
personalization process, steps in, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site
personalized content (see content targeters)
platform, parts of, Parts of the Core Platform
previewing a Web site
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Previewing Your Web Site
using the Preview window, Using the Preview Window
using the Profiles window, Using the Preview with Profile Toolbar Button
priority level
scenario segments, Creating a Scenario: Basic Steps
slot items, Slot Basics
production server
connecting to, Starting the ATG Control Center
profile groups
creating, Creating New Profile Groups
defining rules for, Defining Profile Group Members
deleting, Deleting Profile Groups
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Creating Profile Groups
relationship to organizations and roles, Creating Profile Groups
sample rules for, Profile Group Definition Samples
using roles in, Adding a New Role, Defining Profile Group Members
Profile Marker Added scenario event, Profile Marker Added
Profile Marker Removed scenario event, Profile Marker Removed
Profile Marker Replaced scenario event, Profile Marker Replaced
profile properties
changing, Editing Profile Values
Profile Property Updated by Admin scenario event, Profile Property Updated by Admin
Profile Property Updated by User scenario event, Profile Property Updated by User
Profile Registered by Admin scenario event, Profile Registered by Admin
Profile Repository menu option, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation
Profile Repository window, A Note about the Profile Repository Window
profile sub-types, Determining the Profile Type
Profile Updated by Admin scenario event, Profile Updated by Admin
Profile Updated by User scenario event, Profile Updated By User
adding new, Adding Visitor Profiles
deleting, Deleting Visitor Profiles
editing, Editing Profile Values
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Setting Up Visitor Profiles


Randomizing Fork element (see user sampling)
Record Audit Trail scenario action, Record Audit Trail
Record Audit Trail workflow action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Record Event scenario action, Record Event
red dots
in scenarios, Enabling and Disabling Scenarios
Redirect to Page scenario action, Redirect Page
Registers scenario event, Registers
relative dates, specifying in scenario conditions, Specifying a Date or Time as a Condition
Remove All Markers From Profile scenario action, Remove All Markers From Profile
Remove Items from Slot scenario action, Remove Items from Slot
Remove Markers From Profile scenario action, Remove Markers From Profile
Remove Stage(s) Reached action element, Remove Stage(s) Reached
Request condition, in content targeters, Setting Environment Conditions
assigning, Assigning a Role
deleting, Deleting Roles
global, Global Roles
inheritance, A Note about Displaying Role Inheritance
naming, Adding a New Role
organizational, Organizational Roles
overview, Using Organizations and Roles
relationship to profile groups, Creating Profile Groups
using for access control, Using Roles for Access Control
using in content targeters, Adding a New Role, Defining Profile Group Members
using in profile groups, Adding a New Role, Defining Profile Group Members
rule macros, Creating Reusable Business Rules (Rule Macros)


Scenario Ends event, Specifying the End of a Scenario
scenario segments
priority among, Creating a Scenario: Basic Steps
significance of, Creating a Scenario: Basic Steps
access control, Security Access in Scenarios
Action element, Using Action Elements in Scenarios, Adding Custom Elements to Scenarios
adding custom elements, Adding Custom Elements to Scenarios
adding segments, Creating a Scenario: Basic Steps
arrow symbol, Repeating an Element
Audit Trail element, Recording Scenario Activity
changing active, Changing an Enabled Scenario
commas in expressions, Editing or Deleting Scenario Elements
compared to content targeters, How Are Scenarios Different from Targeters?
Condition element, Using Condition Elements in Scenarios, Adding Custom Elements to Scenarios
creating, Creating a Scenario: Basic Steps
creating from a template, Creating a Scenario from a Template
deleting elements, Editing or Deleting Scenario Elements
disabling, Enabling and Disabling Scenarios
document paths in, Using Action Elements in Scenarios
editing elements, Editing or Deleting Scenario Elements
enabling, Enabling and Disabling Scenarios
ending, Specifying the End of a Scenario
Event element, Using Event Elements in Scenarios, Adding Custom Elements to Scenarios
Fork element, Using Fork Elements in Scenarios
migration feature, Changing an Enabled Scenario
moving, Moving or Renaming Scenarios
moving between elements, Editing or Deleting Scenario Elements
organizing, Organizing and Viewing Scenarios
Otherwise element, Using Otherwise Elements in Scenarios
overview, Creating Scenarios
People element, Using People Elements in Scenarios
performance, Tips for Creating Efficient Scenarios
Person’s Scenario Values property, Using the Scenario Values Profile Property
Person’s Test Group property, Performing Long Term User Sampling
printing, Printing Scenarios
read-only, Editing or Deleting Scenario Elements
recorder elements, Recording Scenario Activity
recording activity, Recording Scenario Activity
renaming, Moving or Renaming Scenarios
repeating elements, Repeating an Element
requiring elements to succeed, Requiring All Fork Branches to Succeed
saving as JPEGs, Printing Scenarios
segments, Creating a Scenario: Basic Steps
slots (see slots)
starting, Enabling and Disabling Scenarios
Stop element, Using Otherwise Elements in Scenarios
stopping, Disable Scenario, Specifying the End of a Scenario, Enabling and Disabling Scenarios
templates, Creating Templates for Scenarios
Time element, Using Time Elements in Scenarios
tips for creating efficient, Tips for Creating Efficient Scenarios
using dates within conditions, Using the Today’s Condition
using for content targeting, Matching Content with Your Target Audiences
using to update profile properties, Using Scenarios to Track Visitor Behavior
Verify Changes option, Changing an Enabled Scenario
viewing by type, Organizing and Viewing Scenarios
Scenarios module, overview, Oracle Commerce Scenarios Module
security access, ATG Control Center in Other Documentation
Send Email scenario action, Send Email
Send Notification scenario action, Send Notification
Send Notification workflow action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Send Task Notification workflow action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Session Ends scenario event, Session Ends
Session Starts scenario event, Session Starts
Set Variable scenario action, Set Variable
active, Slot Basics, Creating a Scenario for an Active Slot
creating a scenario to fill, Creating a Scenario to Fill a Slot
Event Generation mode, Slot Basics
filling with content, Creating a Scenario to Fill a Slot
from JMS messages, Defining a Temporary Slot from an Event Element
multisite, Defining Multisite Content for Slots
overview, Using Slots
passive, Slot Basics
removing, Creating an Element to Remove a Slot
types of items contained by, Using Slots
using a targeter to fill, Using a Targeter to Define the Content of a Slot
using event elements to define, Defining a Temporary Slot from an Event Element
staging server
connecting to, Starting the ATG Control Center
Start workflow element, Using Start Elements in Workflows
Stop workflow element, Using Stop Elements in Workflows
Switches Site Context scenario event, Switches Site Context


targeted e-mail
addressing messages, Using a Scenario to Address and Send a Message
cold call mailings, Setting Up a Cold Call E-Mail Campaign
creating messages, Creating a Targeted E-Mail Message
creating scenarios for, Using a Scenario to Address and Send a Message
overview, Working with Targeted E-Mail
referencing message properties in, Creating a Targeted E-Mail Message
sending, Using a Scenario to Address and Send a Message
setting up, Configuring the Oracle Commerce Platform to Send E-Mail Messages
using targeting services to address, Using Other Methods to Address and Send a Message
targeting business rules (see content targeters)
Task workflow element, Using Task Elements in Workflows
scenario (see scenarios)
testing a Web site on groups of users (see user sampling)
Time elements in scenarios, Using Time Elements in Scenarios, Specifying a Date or Time as a Condition
Time workflow element, Using Time Elements in Workflows
Today’s condition, in content targeters, Setting Environment Conditions
Today’s scenario condition element, Using the Today’s Condition
tracking sensors (see tracking visitor behavior with the Personalization module)
tracking visitor behavior with scenarios
examples, Tracking Items that a Visitor Displays: Example 1
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Using Scenarios to Track Visitor Behavior
tracking visitor behavior with the Personalization module
adding new tracking sensors, Adding New Tracking Sensors
defining how sensors change profiles, Creating Action Statements for Tracking Sensors
overview, Overview: Creating a Personalized Web Site, Tracking Visitor Behavior
removing tracking sensors, Removing Tracking Sensors
setting tracking sensor properties, Tracking Sensor Properties


Views scenario event, Views
visitor behavior
tracking (see tracking visitor behavior)
Visits scenario event, Visits


Wait elements in scenarios, Using the Wait Element
With Dynamo path option in scenario elements, Using Action Elements in Scenarios
Workflow Editor, Viewing Workflows
workflow elements
Action element, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Change action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Condition element, Using Condition Elements in Workflows
editing, Using Workflow Elements
Fork elements, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Go To elements, Using Go To Elements in Workflows
Otherwise elements, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Outcome element, Using Outcome Elements in Workflows
Record Audit Trail action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Send Notification action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Send Task Notification action, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Start element, Using Start Elements in Workflows
Stop elements, Using Stop Elements in Workflows
Task element, Using Task Elements in Workflows
Time element, Using Time Elements in Workflows
Workflow Fork elements, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Workflow Fork element, Using Action Elements in Workflows
Workflow menu item in ATG Control Center, Accessing Workflow Menu Items
Workflow window, Viewing Workflows
accessing, Accessing Workflow Menu Items, Security Access in Workflows
creating, Creating a Workflow
deleting, Deleting Workflows
moving, Moving or Renaming Workflows
overview of, Using Workflows
printing, Printing Workflows
renaming, Moving or Renaming Workflows
saving as JPEGs, Printing Workflows
security rights for, Security Access in Workflows
starting, Enabling Workflows
viewing, Viewing Workflows

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