The user sampling features in the Scenarios module allow you to test the success of your scenarios and promotional campaigns. To use these features, you divide your site visitors into groups, treat them differently, and then monitor their behavior. Using the results, you can fine-tune your scenarios to work more effectively. Example: you devise a campaign to promote products according to the age group of the site visitor. You want to check that this strategy is successful, so you create a scenario that sets up two groups of site visitors, using age as a criterion for one but not for the other. For Group A , you display specific products to specific age groups. For Group B, you display all products regardless of the age group of the visitor. You monitor the results to see which strategy generates more sales.

You can also use these features to test the design of your Web site. For example, assume you design a new-look corporate Web site that uses a dramatically different navigation model from your old site. You are concerned that the new design makes some pages too difficult to find. You decide to compare the new site with the old one by counting the number of times your Investor Relations page is displayed during a single month. In the Scenarios module, you create a scenario that displays the old site to Group A and the new site to Group B, and then you track the number of times the page is visited during the test period.

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