This diagram described in following text

A task represents an individual step or stage in a workflow, such as Submit or Approve. A task element has a label that describes the associated activity, and it is always followed by a fork that contains at least one branch beginning with an outcome element.

When you select a task element, the initial label as well as the entire following fork becomes selected.

The editor for a task element consists of a set of controls that allow you to edit the task’s attributes, including:



Task Name

The text that appears as the name for this element in the workflow.

Default Display Name

The name that appears for this task on your Web site pages. You can specify a separate display name for each locale supported by your application (for example, English, French, or Japanese). If you do not specify a different display name for each locale, the default display name is used.

Default Description

The text that appears as the description of the task on your Web site pages. You can specify a separate description for each locale supported by your application.

Locale for Editing Names

The locale that applies to the Display Name and the Description fields. For example, to edit the Display Name for French, select French from the list. To edit the default display names, select Unspecified from the list.

Note: The contents of the locale list are determined by the validLocaleNames property of the Nucleus component /atg/dynamo/servlet/RequestLocale. For more information, see the Internationalization chapter of the Platform Programming Guide.


Indicates whether a user can assign the task to another user for completion. For more information, refer to Setting Up Security Access for Workflows in the Personalization Programming Guide.

Set Access Rights

A set of users who are allowed to run the task. You define the set through a standard ATG Control Center security access dialog box. For more information, refer to Setting Up Security Access for Workflows in the Personalization Programming Guide.

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