This diagram described in surrounding text

While task elements represent the steps that users perform as part of the workflow process, action elements represent the steps that you want the workflow engine to perform, usually in response to the preceding element in the workflow. For example, you could add an action element that sends an e-mail to an employee who submitted an expense report, notifying him or her that the report has been approved.

Fork elements let you split a workflow into two or more branches, each branch representing a possible path that the workflow can follow. There are two types of fork element you can add to workflows: workflow fork elements and regular fork elements.

Using Workflow Fork Elements

All the branches in a workflow fork element must be completed before the workflow can proceed to the next element after the fork. For that reason, a workflow fork is appropriate for situations where two or more tasks can be active at the same time and can be completed independently; as long as all tasks are completed, the order in which they occur is not important.

This diagram described in preceding text

A solid circle at the end of the workflow fork differentiates it from a regular fork. (Regular forks have no circle at the end.)

Note: You can change a regular fork into a workflow fork by right-clicking it and selecting Require All Branches to Succeed from the drop-down menu. You can also use this technique to add the functionality of a workflow fork to the fork elements that you include in scenarios.

Using (Regular) Fork Elements in a Workflow

Regular fork elements (in other words, non-workflow fork elements) are the same as the fork elements you use in scenarios. They allow you to divide a workflow into separate branches that represent parallel “if” conditions. For example, you could create a fork with two branches, each containing different condition elements. The workflow could proceed along both branches, either branch, or neither branch, depending on the success or failure of the condition element. Unlike workflow forks, regular forks allow the workflow to proceed if only one branch is completed.

This diagram described in preceding text

Note: You can change a regular fork into a workflow fork by right-clicking on it and selecting Require All Branches to Succeed from the drop-down menu.

For more information on using regular fork elements, see Using Fork Elements in Scenarios.

Add Branch

By default, forks and workflow forks have two branches. If you want to insert additional branches into either type of element, select the Add Branch menu option. For more information, see Using Fork Elements in Scenarios.

Using Otherwise Elements in Workflows

An Otherwise element is a special type of condition element that can appear at the beginning of one branch of a fork. It allows you to define how the workflow should proceed if none of the other branches is completed. For examples and more detail, refer to Using Otherwise Elements in Scenarios.

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