There are countless ways to combine content group options to specify the content you want to include or exclude from certain groups. Content group definitions are based on Boolean (“and/or”) logic, meaning that you can use AND statements and OR statements to create more sophisticated inclusion and exclusion rules. AND statements let you include (or exclude) content items that meet all conditions in the definition. OR statements let you include (or exclude) content items that meet any of the conditions in the definition. The following samples show how these subtle changes in the wording of a definition can change a content group’s makeup completely.

Sample 1: All items in the content group Cars that (a) include the keyword “luxury” AND (b) have US English as their language:

Include this content:
   items in group Cars
   whose keywords includes luxury
   and whose Language is en_US
This diagram is described in the preceding text

Sample 2: All items in the content group Cars that (a) include the keyword “luxury” OR (b) have US English as their language:

Include this content:
   items in group Cars
   whose keywords includes luxury
   or whose Language is en_US
This diagram is described in the preceding text

Sample 3: All content items in the content group Cars PLUS all content in US English PLUS all content that contains the keyword luxury:

Include this content:
   items in group Cars
Include this content:
   whose Language is en_US
Include this content:
   whose keywords includes luxury
This diagram is described in the preceding text

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