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Oracle® SuperCluster M8 and SuperCluster M7 Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2020

Display osc-setcoremem Help

This procedure describes how to display osc-setcoremem help for the valid command line options and arguments. This command also displays help for the osc-setcoremem simulator. For more information on the simulator, see Using the osc-setcoremem Simulator.

Note -  To run the osc-setcoremem command interactively so that the tool prompts you for CPU/memory configuration information, do not specify any command line options or arguments (see Change CPU/Memory Allocations (Socket Granularity) and Change CPU/Memory Allocations (Core Granularity)).
  1. Log in as superuser on the compute node's control domain.
  2. View the help for the osc-setcoremem command and the osc-setcoremem simulator.

    For example:

    # /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/osc-setcoremem -h
                                 v2.4  built on Feb 27 2017 18:23:43
            -l, -list  .. list eligible domains
            -R, -reset [-y|-n] .. return the system to the original state of socket/core/memory allocations
            -type socket|core -res #sockets|#cores/memcap[:#sockets|#cores/memcap]* [-y|n]
                     "min|MIN" and "max|MAX" strings can be substituted in place of #sockets, #cores and
                             memory capacity to specify the minimum and maximum possible resource assignments
                     "current|CURRENT" string can be used to accept the current config as is. In the
                             worst case, tool may use a value that is as close as possible to the current
                     specify memory capacity in gigabytes aligned to 16 GB
             ** optional argument -y auto-confirms the desired change. likewise -n auto-rejects the changes
                     helps while testing).
            -gencfgtmpl|-g .. generate base configuration on a live SuperCluster node that can readily be
                     used along with -config|-c option
            -gencfgtmpl|-g -dc <domain-count> .. generate an editable base configuration file template
                     Base configuration is the core count & memory that each of the domains were
                     assigned during the initial setup.
             -platform|-p <T4|T5|M6|M7|M8> -config|-c <config-file-path> [ <<non-interactive arguments>> ]
                         .. establish a new base configuration
                     The file containing base configuration can be auto/hand generated, or based on a
                     template created by using "-gencfgtmpl|-g [ -dc <count> ]" options.
            << No option >> [ <<non-interactive arguments>> ] .. continue with the current state in
                         simulator, if exist, on a non-SuperCluster node
                     Set shell variable SSC_SCM_SIMULATE to any value on a live SuperCluster node to
                         enable this behavior

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