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Oracle® SuperCluster M8 and SuperCluster M7 Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2020

Run a Simulation

This procedure describes how to use the osc-setcoremem simulator to view different configurations of cores and memory on a SuperCluster SPARC node or a non-SuperCluster node. The simulation runs only on the hardware and does not permanently change the CPU or memory resources.

Note -  Use this procedure whether you are running the simulator for the first time or you are attempting to configure a different SuperCluster configuration.

This example is based on SuperCluster M6. However, the same concepts apply to other models.

  1. Prepare the base configuration file.

    Follow the steps in Prepare the Base Configuration File for instructions.

  2. Import the base configuration file from Step 1 and start the simulation.

    Specify the SuperCluster platform to simulate, and the path to the base configuration file. You can also specify non-interactive options.

    For example:

    % ./osc-setcoremem –p M6 –c ./oscsetcorememcfg-m6.txt
                             osc-setcoremem simulator
                        v2.4  built on Feb 24 2017 14:48:42
     Current Configuration: SuperCluster M6
     +----------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    24 |   2048 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom1                      |    24 |   2048 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom2                      |    24 |   2048 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn2-dom3                      |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | Parked Resources (Approx)        |    22 |   2016 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     [ INFO ] following domains will be ignored in this session.
     Root Domains
     CPU Granularity Preference:
            1. Socket
            2. Core
     In case of Socket granularity, proportional memory capacity is automatically selected
     for you.
     Choose Socket or Core [S or C] c
    <output omitted>

    Caution  -  Use the –p and –c options only to remove the existing configuration and start a new base configuration.

  3. Using the modified configuration from Step 1, continue the simulation by running the osc-setcoremem binary file.

    You can also specify non-interactive options.

    1. To run this simulation on a SuperCluster node, set a shell variable called SSC_SCM_SIMULATE to any value and start the simulator.

      For example:

      % SSC_SCM_SIMULATE=1 ./osc-setcoremem

      As the simulator runs, enter changes to the cores and memory. To see an example of the entire file, see Example: Simulating Changes on a Non-SuperCluster Node.

      Tip  -  At any time, you can continue a simulation on a SuperCluster node from where you left off by simply setting the SSC_SCM_SIMULATE variable. You can run the osc-setcoremem in normal execution mode in between simulations.

      The absence of the SSC_SCM_SIMULATE variable triggers normal (non-simulated) osc-setcoremem execution.

    2. To run this simulation on a non-SuperCluster node, do not set the shell variable when you start the simulator.

      For example:

      % ./osc-setcoremem

      As the simulator runs, enter changes to the cores and memory.

  4. View the modified domain configuration.
    % SSC_SCM_SIMULATE=1 ./osc-setcoremem -list
                     osc-setcoremem simulator (non-interactive)
                        v2.4  built on Feb 27 2017 18:23:43
     Current Configuration: SuperCluster M7
     +-----+----------------------------+---- CURRENT ---+-----------+--- MIN REQD ---+
     |  ID | DOMAIN                     | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     |   1 | primary                    |     8 |    128 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     |   2 | ssccn1-dom1                |    16 |    256 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     |   3 | ssccn1-dom2                |    32 |    480 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
  5. Repeat Step 2 and Step 3 to simulate different configurations and determine which configuration you want to implement.

    To purge the current modified configuration file and start over with the original base configuration file, use the –r option to reset your changes. For instructions, see Display osc-setcoremem Help.

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