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Oracle® SuperCluster M8 and SuperCluster M7 Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2020

Prepare the Base Configuration File

The osc-setcoremem simulator requires a base configuration file as input to run the simulator for the first time, and each subsequent time you want to simulate a different configuration. You must provide the SuperCluster base configuration file that you want to simulate. This is required no matter where the simulation tests will be run—on a SuperCluster compute node or a non-SuperCluster SPARC system.

You can use a ready-to-use base configuration file or edit a base configuration file template. Choose one of the methods described in this procedure to prepare the base configuration file.

  1. Log in as superuser on the compute node's Control Domain.
  2. Generate a ready-to-use base configuration file on a live SuperCluster environment that you plan to simulate in other places.

    Ensure that you completed Step 1 before you generate the base configuration file.

    % ./osc-setcoremem –g
    [OK] simulator config file generated
    location: /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt
    % cat /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt
    #DOMAIN         ROOT        SERVICE     SOCKET     CORE      MEMORY       HCA
    #NAME           DOMAIN      DOMAIN      COUNT      COUNT     GB           COUNT
    primary         NO          YES         2          24        2048         1
    ssccn-dom1      NO          NO          2          24        2048         1
    ssccn-dom2      NO          NO          2          24        2048         1
    ssccn-dom3      YES         YES         2          2         32           1

    Use this configuration file as input to the simulator without any editing.

  3. Alternatively, you can generate a base configuration file template and manually populate the domain resource details of the target environment that you want to simulate.

    The template file can be generated on any SPARC system (not necessarily on a SuperCluster compute node). You can perform this step as any user on both SuperCluster and non-SuperCluster systems.

    % ./osc-setcoremem -g -dc 4
    [OK] simulator config file generated
    location: /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt
    % cat /var/tmp/oscsetcorememcfg.txt
    #DOMAIN        ROOT        SERVICE      SOCKET      CORE       MEMORY        HCA
    #NAME          DOMAIN      DOMAIN       COUNT       COUNT      GB            COUNT
    primary        YES|NO      YES|NO       <COUNT>     <COUNT>    <CAPACITY>    1|2
    ssccn-dom1     YES|NO      YES|NO       <COUNT>     <COUNT>    <CAPACITY>    1|2
    ssccn-dom2     YES|NO      YES|NO       <COUNT>     <COUNT>    <CAPACITY>    1|2
    ssccn-dom3     YES|NO      YES|NO       <COUNT>     <COUNT>    <CAPACITY>    1|2

    Edit the template file using the information in Guidelines for Modifying the Base Configuration File.

  4. Copy the base configuration file to a location that is accessible to the osc-setcoremem simulator.

    Tip  -  For syntax on all of the simulator options, see Display osc-setcoremem Help. At any time, you can reset the configuration to the original base configuration.