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Oracle® SuperCluster M8 and SuperCluster M7 Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2020

Remove Unwanted Boot Environments

  • Type.
    root@sup46:~# beadm list   
        BE       Active  Mountpoint Space  Policy     Created
    solaris_backup  -         -      13.25G  static   2011-07-17 21:19
    solaris        NR         -       4.12G  static   2011-07-13 12:01
    root@sup46:~# beadm destroy solaris_backup
    Are you sure you want to destroy solaris_backup? This action cannot be undone(y/[n]): y
    root@sup46:~# beadm list 
       BE       Active  Mountpoint Space  Policy     Created
    solaris       NR        /      4.12G  static   2011-07-13 12:01

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