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Oracle® SuperCluster M8 and SuperCluster M7 Administration Guide

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Updated: June 2020

Park Cores and Memory

Perform this procedure on each compute node to move CPU and memory resources from dedicated domains into logical CPU and memory repositories, making the resources available for I/O Domains.

If you are parking cores and memory, plan carefully. Once you park resources and create I/O Domains you might not be able to move resources back to dedicated domains.

Prior to SuperCluster software version 3.0, if you parked resources from dedicated domains, you could not move parked resources to back to dedicated domains after I/O Domains were created. As of version 3.0, you can move parked unallocated resources back to dedicated domains.

Note -  To find out if you can perform this procedure, see Supported Domain Configurations.

Note -  Examples are based on SuperCluster M6-32, however, the same concepts apply to SuperCluster M7 and SuperCluster M8.

In this example, 12 cores and 1 TB memory are parked from the primary domain, and 18 cores and 1536 GB memory are parked from the ssccn3-dom1 domain.

This table shows the allocation plan (see Plan CPU and Memory Allocations).

Domain Type
Cores Before
Cores After
Memory Before (GB)
Memory After (GB)
Unallocated Resources
Total Resources
  1. Log in as superuser on the compute node's control domain.
  2. Ensure that all applications are shut down and that there is no production activity running.
  3. Activate any inactive domains using the ldm bind command.

    The tool does not continue if any inactive domains are present.

  4. Run osc-setcoremem to change resource allocations.

    In this example, some resources are left unallocated which parks them.

    Respond when prompted. Press Enter to select the default value.

    # /opt/oracle.supercluster/bin/osc-setcoremem
                        v2.0  built on Aug 27 2015 23:09:35
     Current Configuration: SuperCluster Fully-Populated M6-32 Base
     +--------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    18 |   1536 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn3-dom1                      |    30 |   2560 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn3-dom2                      |     1 |     16 |   Root    |     1 |     16 |
     | ssccn3-dom3                      |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | unallocated or parked            |    45 |   4048 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
    [Note] Following domains will be skipped in this session.
     Root Domains
     CPU allocation preference:
            1. Socket level
            2. Core level
     In case of Socket level granularity, proportional memory capacity is
      automatically selected for you.
     Choose Socket or Core level [S or C] c
     Step 1 of 2: Core Count
     primary      : specify number of cores [min: 2, max: 46. default: 18] : 6
                    you chose [6] cores for primary domain
     ssccn3-dom1  : specify number of cores [min: 2, max: 42. default: 30] : 12
                    you chose [12] cores for ssccn3-dom1 domain
     Configuration In Progress After Core Count Selection:
     +--------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |     6 |   1536 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn3-dom1                      |    12 |   2560 | Dedicated |     2 |     64 |
     | *ssccn3-dom2                     |     1 |     16 |   Root    |     1 |     16 |
     | *ssccn3-dom3                     |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | unallocated or parked            |    75 |   4048 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     Step 2 of 2: Memory Capacity
            (must be 16 GB aligned)
     primary: specify memory capacity in GB [min: 32, max: 2048. default: 2048] : 512
                    you chose [512 GB] memory for primary domain
     ssccn3-dom1:specify memory capacity in GB [min: 64, max: 2048. default: 2048] : 1024
                    you chose [1024 GB] memory for ssccn3-dom1 domain
     Configuration In progress After Memory Capacity Selection:
     +--------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |     6 |    512 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn3-dom1                      |    12 |   1024 | Dedicated |     2 |     64 |
     | *ssccn3-dom2                     |     1 |     16 |   Root    |     1 |     16 |
     | *ssccn3-dom3                     |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | unallocated or parked            |    75 |   6608 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     Following domains will be stopped and restarted:
    This configuration requires rebooting the control domain.
    Do you want to proceed? Y/N : y
     +-                                                                                    -+
     |  After the reboot, osc-setcoremem attempts to complete CPU, memory re-configuration. |
     |  Please check syslog and the state of all domains before using the system.           |
     |  eg.,  dmesg | grep osc-setcoremem ; ldm list | grep -v active ; date                |
     +-                                                                                    -+
    All activity is being recorded in log file:
    Please wait while osc-setcoremem is setting up the new CPU, memory configuration.
     It may take a while. Be patient and do not interrupt.
     0%    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90   100%
    Broadcast Message from root (pts/1) on etc5mdbadm0301 Fri Aug 28 16:22:07...
    THE SYSTEM etc5mdbadm0301 IS BEING SHUT DOWN NOW ! ! !
    Log off now or risk your files being damaged
                    Task complete with no errors.
  5. If the tool indicated that a reboot was needed, after the system reboots, log in as root on the compute node's control domain.
  6. Verify the new resource allocation.

    You can verify the resource allocation and check for possible osc-setcoremem errors in several ways:

  7. Check the log file to ensure that all reconfiguration steps were successful.
    # cd /opt/oracle.supercluster/osc-setcoremem/log
    # ls (identify the name of the
    log file)
    # tail -17 osc-setcoremem_activity_08-28-2015_16\:18\:57.log
     ::Post-reboot activity::
     Please wait while osc-setcoremem is setting up the new CPU, memory configuration.
     It may take a while. Be patient and do not interrupt.
    Executing ldm commands ..
     0%    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90   100%
                    Task complete with no errors.
                    This concludes socket/core, memory reconfiguration.
                    You can continue using the system.
  8. Verify the new resource allocation.

    You can verify the resource allocation and check for possible osc-setcoremem errors in several ways:

    For example:

    # dmesg | grep osc-setcoremem
    Aug 28 16:27:50 etc5mdbadm0301 root[1926]: [ID 702911 user.alert] osc-setcoremem: core, memory
    re-configuration complete. System can be used for regular work.
    # ldm list
    primary          active     -n-cv-  UART    48    523008M  0.4%  0.4%  6m
    ssccn3-dom1      active     -n----  5001    96    1T       0.2%  0.2%  3m
    ssccn3-dom2      active     -n----  5002    8     16G      0.1%  0.1%  3d 36m
    ssccn3-dom3      active     -n--v-  5003    16    32G      0.1%  0.1%  3d 36m
  9. Verify the parked cores.

    See Display the Current Domain Configuration (ldm):

    # ldm list-devices -p core | grep cid | wc -l
  10. Verify the parked memory.

    See Display the Current Domain Configuration (ldm):

    # ldm list-devices memory
        PA                   SIZE
        0x3c00000000         768G
        0x84000000000        768G
        0x100000000000       1008G
        0x180000000000       1T
        0x208000000000       512G
        0x288000000000       512G
        0x300000000000       1008G
        0x380000000000       1008G
  11. Repeat this procedure if you need to change resource allocations on the other compute node.

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