This topic provides a simple example of using the Index Configuration Command-line Utility to update index configuration. In this example, suppose an import owner named ATG has added index configuration to an Endeca application. You want to update the index configuration by adding multiSelectType to the product.category dimension.

The steps to accomplish this are as follows:

1. Retrieve the index configuration by running:

C:\Endeca\apps\<app dir>\control>index_config_cmd.bat get-config -o ATG -f C:\temp\indexConfig.json

2. Open the resulting JSON file and locate the product.category attribute:

  "indexConfig" : {
      "attributes" : {
        "product.category" : {
          "sourcePropertyNames" : [ "product.category_id" ],
          "isRecordSearchEnabled" : true,
          "jcr:primaryType" : "endeca:dimension"

3. Add multiSelectType and set the value to OR, and also add the mergeAction with a value of UPDATE. You can delete other properties of the attribute because they are not changing as part of the update:

  "indexConfig" : {
      "attributes" : {
        "product.category" : {
          "mergeAction" : "UPDATE",
          "multiSelectType" : "OR",

4. Set the revised index configuration by running:

C:\Endeca\apps\<app dir>\control>index_config_cmd.bat set-config -o ATG
-f C:\temp\indexConfig.json

5. If desired, examine the merged configuration by running:

C:\Endeca\apps\<app dir>\control>index_config_cmd.bat get-merged-config 
-f C:\temp\indexConfig.json

You see the following:

  "indexConfig" : {
    "ATG" : {
      "attributes" : {
        "product.category" : {
          "sourcePropertyNames" : [ "product.category_id" ],
          "isRecordSearchEnabled" : true,
          "multiSelectType" : "OR",
          "jcr:primaryType" : "endeca:dimension"

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