You can configure the items in the navigation menu on the left and on the launch page of Oracle Commerce Workbench by modifying the ws-mainMenu.xml file in %ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF%\conf (on Windows) or $ENDECA_TOOLS_CONF/conf (on UNIX).

By editing ws-mainMenu.xml, you can do any of the following:

A menu item is either a leaf or a node. A node is a top-level menu item that does not link directly to any pages.

Instead it has children that are leaf items and are displayed in a submenu. Each node is defined in a <menunode> element in ws-mainMenu.xml that takes the following attributes.

A menunode element requires one or more child menuitem elements.

A leaf is a menu item that links to a page, and also has an entry on the launch page.

A leaf can be either in the top-level menu or in a submenu as the child of a node. Leaf items cannot have child items. Menu items display in the order in which they are listed in ws-mainMenu.xml.

Each leaf in the menu is defined in a menuitem element in ws-mainMenu.xml that takes the following attributes:

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