This topic guides you through the process of configuring an EAC application.

To configure the application configuration files:

  1. Edit the AppConfig.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to reflect the details of your environment. Specifically, set the following values:

  2. Edit the DataIngest.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to reflect your data processing requirements. Specifically, ensure that the baseline update script and partial update script are correct and that the CAS or Forge and Dgidx components are correctly configured.

  3. Edit the DgraphDefaults.xml file in <app dir>/config/script with the default values that are inherited by all Dgraph components in both the authoring cluster and live cluster.

  4. Edit the AuthoringDgraphCluster.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to ensure the authoring Dgraph, the authoring cluster and post-startup script is correct for your environment.

  5. Edit the LiveDgraphCluster.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to ensure the live Dgraph, the live cluster and post-startup script is correct for your environment.

  6. Edit the LiveAppServerCluster.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to ensure that the application server clusters, the servers within each cluster, and the applications running on the servers are correct for your environment.

    1. For each server cluster, create an <app-server-cluster> element with an id attribute that corresponds to the cluster name.

      For example:

      <app-server-cluster id="LiveAppServerCluster">
    2. For each server within the cluster, create an <app-server> element with the following attributes:

      For example:

      <app-server id="LiveDiscover" hostName="" port="8006">
    3. For each application running on a given Assembler, create a <web-app> element with the following attributes:

      For example:

      <web-app id="DiscoverWebApp" contextPath="/discover" sslEnabled="true" />
      <web-app id="DiscoverAsService" contextPath="/discoverAsService" />
    4. Add the <web-app> elements to their respective <app-server>s as referenced elements.

      For example:

      <app-server id="LiveDiscover" hostName="assemblerHost" port="8006">
      	   <web-app ref="DiscoverWebApp" />
      	   <web-app ref="DiscoverAsService" />
    5. Add the <app-server> elements to their respective <app-server-cluster>s as referenced elements.

      For example:

      <app-server-cluster id="LiveAppServerCluster">
          <app-server ref="LiveDiscover" />
  7. Edit the AssemblerConfig.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to ensure that it references the application server clusters that are correct for your environment.

  8. Edit the WorkbenchConfig.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to ensure that the IFCR components are correct for your environment.

  9. Edit the UsageCollectionConfig.xml file in <app dir>/config/script to ensure that the Dgraph clusters and application server clusters from which usage is collected are correct for your environment.

  10. If necessary, edit the ReportGeneration.xml file in <app dir>/config/script. This file does not usually require any modifications.

The following topics describe the components that you can define in the application configuration files.

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