The incremental provisioning commands make it possible for you to add, remove, or update a host, component, or script without having to bring down the entire application.



add-component --app app_id [--comp comp_id] --def def_file

Adds a single component to an application. Def_file is a provisioning document. You can use a larger provisioning file for this purpose, or you can use one that specifies exactly one component or host. If you choose to use a larger provisioning file, then you must specify which component listed within it that you are adding, using the --comp flag.

add-host --app app_id [--host host_id] --def def_file

Adds a single host to an application. Def_file is a provisioning document. You can use a larger provisioning file for this purpose, or you can use one that specifies exactly one component or host. If you choose to use a larger provisioning file, then you must specify which host listed within it that you are adding, using the --host flag.

add-script --app app_id --script script_id (--def def_file | [--wd working_dir] [--log-file log_file] --cmd command [args...])

Adds a script to an application. Scripts can be added at any time. You can use --def to specify a definition file to start the script, or use the following settings: --log-file is the file for appended stdout/stderr output. If it is not specified, it defaults to $ENDECA_CONF/logs/script/ (app_id).(script_id).log

--wd is the working directory. If it is not specified, it defaults to $ENDECA_CONF/working/(app_id)/

--cmd is the command that is used to start the script. If --cmd is omitted, the first unrecognized argument is taken as the start of your command. The --log-file and --wd, if used, should come before --cmd.

remove-component [--force] --app app_id --comp comp_id

Removes a single component from an application. The optional --force flag indicates whether or not this remove operation should force any running components or services to stop before attempting the remove. Remove fails if any components or services are still running (that is, not forced to stop).

remove-host [--force] --app app_id --host host_id

Removes a single host from an application. The optional --force flag indicates whether or not this remove operation should force any running components or services to stop before attempting the remove. Remove fails if any components or services are still running (that is, not forced to stop).

remove-script [--force] --app app_id --script script_id

Removes a script from an application. The optional --force flag indicates whether or not this remove operation should force a running script to stop before attempting the remove.

update-component [--force] --app app_id [--comp comp_id] --def def_file

Updates a component. Component properties can be updated at any time. Other changes cannot be made if the component is running or unreachable. The optional --force flag indicates that the Application Controller will attempt to force the conditions under which the specified updates can be made (by stopping stop a running component or utility invocation, for example). Regardless of whether or not the forced stop is successful, however, the update persists in the application provisioning, even if this leaves a dangling process somewhere.

update-host [--force] --app app_id [--host host_id] --def def_file

Updates a host. Host properties can be updated at any time. Other changes cannot be made if any components or services are running on the host, or if the host is unreachable. The optional --force flag indicates that the Application Controller will attempt to force the conditions under which the specified updates can be made (by stopping stop a running component or utility invocation, for example). Regardless of whether or not the forced stop is successful, however, the update persists in the application provisioning, even if this leaves a dangling process somewhere.

update-script [--force] --app app_id --script script_id (--def def_file | [--wd working_dir] [--log-file log_file] --cmd command [args...])

Updates a script. The optional --force flag indicates whether or not this update operation should force a running script to stop before attempting the update. You can use --def to specify a definition file to update the script, or use the following settings:

--wd is the working directory. If it is not specified, it defaults to $ENDECA_CONF/working/(app_id)/

--log-file is the file for appended stdout/stderr output. If it is not specified, it defaults to $ENDECA_CONF/logs/script/ (app_id).(script_id).log

--cmd is the command that is used to start the script. If --cmd is omitted, the first unrecognized argument is taken as the start of your command. The --log-file and --wd, if used, should come before --cmd.

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